
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Soisloscerdos. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Soisloscerdos. Kuva kõik postitused


Bunshi – Plants (2024)


Tech-house Club dance Funk house Electro house

Käesolev 3-looline taies tõstatab siinkuulajas küsimuse samasusest -- kui filosoofias sageli on küsimuse funktsionaalne asetus suunatud mingi fenomeni olemuse säilitamisele (küsimus sellest, et kuidas midagi saavutada pärast seda, kui on jõutud arusaamisele selle millegi samasuse sisu osas), siis muusikas -- vastupidi -- on teemaks selle vältimine, st erisuse esiletõstmine. Teisalt mingis konkreetses stiilis sumpamine eeldab piirides püsimist ning paratamatult kattumist teiste artistidega. Haussmuusikas on see kindlasti teemaks -- paradoks peitub ilmselt selles, et sageli erinevad artistid sõltumatult teineteisest võivad teha lähedasema loo kui mõni artist remiksides artisti originaallugu. Lisaks eelpoolmainitud artistlikkusele lisandub ka tehnoloogiline pool vastavate pehmeprogrammide ja kindla (kultus)raudvaraga. Kui filosoofias on (pool)argumendiks, et ühte ja samasse jõkke ei ole võimalik astuda kaks korda, siis muusikas kahtlemata oleks see nõrgem argument -- piisaks vaid väikesest meloodiakatkest, et süüdistuste laviin valla päästa. Teisisõnu -- muusikailmas on ilmne astuda ühte ja samasse Thames'i jõkke, sõltumata kümnendist või sajandist. Muidugi lisanduvad sellele ka subjektiivsed faktorid nagu võimaliku hageja tahe, arusaamised, plaadifirma maksujõuline võimekus. Eks ka süüdistuse iseloom on subjektiivne -- "see lugu meenutab (väga) toda lugu". Ent kui sooritada heligraafiline võrdlus, siis erinevus tuleks kindlasti ilmsiks. Aga jah -- aeg nautida korralikku tehno, funk- ja elektrokallakuga haussi. Kui hästi kõik see on välja mõõdetud!


Orgonon Sound Machine – Ashes (2023)


Neokrautrock/Cosmic synth/Alternative dance/Art rock/Avant-funk/Psychedelic/Kosmische Musik/Acid techno/Motorik

Kaasaegse muusika juures näikse häirivat elutus ja pealiskaudsus -- isegi kui vorm on uhke ja mõnikord ka põnev, ei jää see reeglina siinkõnelejat kummitama (eks igat helikandjat tuleb eraldi vaadata). Võrreldud on isegi kaasaegse popi keerukust jätsuga, ent see ei ole argument. Kuulaks siis pigem transgressiivset Stereolab'i, Broadcast'i, Seefeel'i ja Boards of Canada't, milles on ainest, sügavust ja stiili rohkem. Põnevam on pöörduda minevikku oma isade-emade ja isegi vanaisade-vanaemade manu, kes tegid mussi põnevalt ja hingestatult. Näiteks Kraftwerk, The Silver Apples, John Cage, Faust, Harmonia, Brian Eno, keda on mainitud Itaalia artisti mõjutajatena. Ega's ka Eliane Radigue, Delia Derbyshire, Neu!, Tangerine Dream ning Ash Ra Tempel ei ole külgi mööda maha jooksnud. See on tegelikult hämmastav, kui elav oli varane elektronmuusika. Käesolev on mööndustega kosmiline psühhedeelia Moog-süntesaatorite supis, viies inimesi helgesse tulevikku, mida tegelikkuses kunagi ei tule. Ilmselt seda mõistab ka autor, kuivõrd albumi pealkiri osutab lõpetatusele. Niivõrd palju on midagi uhmerdatud, et asi on ära kulunud või maha põlenud. Või püsib visalt lootus uuele koidikule. Siin seda lootust turgutatakse Teutooni kosmilisest muusikast pärit rütmide ja meloodiatega, muutes seda rohkem kaasaegseks (tantsu)muusikaks. Tegelikult on asi isegi sümpaatsem -- Orgonon'i muusikas on 80ndate lõpu ja 90ndate alguse analoogtümmi, mis on ühtaegu nii mahlakas, veits risune kui müstiline matakas. Tõsi, loos "The Un Popular 01" olevad orientaalsed mõjud ja kerge madalsageduslik vaib vihjavad Muslimgauze'i esteetikale -- sealt edasi osutuspunktile ja piirialale, mis on ühtaegu nii ühendav kui konfliktne. Lõpuloos kannab maagiline tume funk kuulaja veelgi meeldivamalt randa. Mõned asjad on igavesed ning on mõeldud kestma. Kaasahaarav ja meisterlik süntees.

8.5 (8.0-9.5)


Orgonon Sound Machine – Horror Vacui (2022)

  • Neokrautrock 
  • Kosmische Musik 
  • Motorik 
  • Psychedelic 
  • Electronic music 
  • Psybient 
  • Ambient pop
Kuigi plaadiümbris näeb välja kui Meistrite Liiga ametlik jalgpall, ei ole see austusavaldus ei Adidasele ega vutile. Teisalt üks Neu! liige rääkis, et nende muusika inspiratsiooniallikaks teiste seas oli ka jalgpall – edasi-tagasi sagimise dünaamika, tempomuutused ja olukordade vaheldumised. Kõik need esteedid, kelledele meeldib tõmmata joont n-ö kõrge ja madala, st vastavalt kunsti ja spordi vahele, võiksid vastandumisega veidi piiri pidada. Mäng kui selline on ju viimase peal, eriti viimas(t)e kümnendi(te) tase (vaatasin hiljuti üht 1986. aasta MM sõelmängu – eeldasin, et niinimetatud hoovijalgpall veel meeldib, ent asi paistis ikka ääretult mannetuna). Need asjad on tunduvalt sarnasemad kui võib-olla esmapilgul näivad. Veelgi enam – Mark E. Smith tegi näiteks jalgpallitulemuste lugemisest kunstiteose. MES ju teatavasti ei eksinud (oli ka Manchester City fänn). Käesolev seitsmelooline üllitis on pendeldamine krautroki ja psühhedeelse ämbienti vahel – motoorse dünaamika ja hõllanduslike ruumi- ja vokaalparameetrite vaheline sageduste optimeerimine. Ülevust kiirgav tundeviirg läbib kunati lugusid, mis lisab albumile väärtust. Ei ole kõige teravam teos, ent nauditav ikkagi.
7.0 (6.0-8.0)


Ant GM – Herbal Underground (2018)

  • Synth-pop 
  • Techno pop 
  • Dubtronica 
  • Electronic music 
  • Electro pop 
  • Tech-electro 
  • Kraut-electro 

Umbes kaks kuud tagasi kirjutasin Hispaania pealinnast pärit Antonio García ühemeheprojekti Ant GM EP`st “Pekulliar” (väljaandjaks Enoughrecords), mis ühelt poolt oli popilik ning teisalt piisavalt käänuline ja mitmekihiline, et kuulajat sügavustesse kukutada. Madridi muusik on viimase viie aasta jooksul ainult reliisinud muusikat kas EP´de või singlitena, mis kahtlemata on huvitav lähenemine. Kolmeloolise “Herbal Underground`i” andis välja Soisloscerdos netiplaadifirmade päeval kolm aastat tagasi; Barcelona plaadifirma on peaasjalikult üllitanud elektrot ja tehnot, mille taamal on rippunud kuulsusrikas krautroki mõõk. Ega siis seesuguse “terariista” vastu ei tahagi vist midagi omada – las lõikab sisse ja mõjutab! Plaadiümbris annab liialdatult edasi mehe ja naise vahelist (füüsilist) armastust ja kehamuusika tungi – anatoomiliselt südamed väljas üksteise vastu asetatuna. Ilmselt “taimne/ravi-” osutab ka orgaanilisusele, mida García loob peamiselt niinimetatud raudvara ehk pärissüntesaatoreid kasutades. Ilus muusika, mis võiks ju päevasel ajal raadiojaamades mööbeldada – kaasahaarav elektro- ja tehnopop, mille laiem levipiilsus ilmneb süntpopi haakide ja teemaarengutega; mille taamal omakorda Neu!, Kraftwerk`i ja Faust`i motoorne pärand kangastumas.


(029) – Black Files (2019)

  • Techno 
  • Tech-house 
  • Electronic music 
  • Alternative dance 
  • Minimal techno

Some may say is there any point at all to produce further albums given that the most important albums within a genre have been already produced. Regarding techno music such artists as Autechre, Plaid, Plone, Aphex Twin and the Detroit-based techno scene have made up solid ground which seems to be impossible to break. Some could say like Anthony Braxton that the second wave of a genre is obviously the most fruitful and eager to fulfil daring ideas. There is just a problem how to date back to the second or first movement? Regarding synth-punk for instance, is the starting point embarked on with Suicide at a time or should we go back more in time to such a combo as Silver Apples? I would prefer the latter version.
(029) is an artist from Toledo, Spain who has issued a handful of issues under an imprint, Soisloscerdos. Black Files is a determined case like it used to be characteristic to techno albums with determined drifts within the genre and some little slides outside the genre. The artist's techno is austere and dystopian as if living in a miserable, hopeless world like...the recent one. Maybe it is time to withdraw in corpore and let our closest relatives chimpanzees and bonobos take our place. But maybe it is not a great idea because of having similar developmental thread in their genes and subsequent activities. Bonobos (a subspecies of the chimps) solve their conflicts by having sex with one another. Although the hippies tried to mimick them in the 60s the world would have changed in a worse direction. Noises and dissonances are nice subjects as far as it makes sense within a context as new and groundbreaking, otherwise it is just an example of agony. Where are new Angus Maclises, early Einstürzende Neubautens, Glenn Brancas and young John Cales? Where are new crazy masterminds like once were Joe Meek, Raymond Scott, Mort Garson, the Barrons, Bruce Haack, Daphne Oram, Delia Derbyshire? How to change this inferior inferno? Get involved more in absurdity as a pioneering counterpoint to contemporaneous common sense as the damned premise of nothingness. In a word, give me some money, bitch. Pay less, get more!


(029) – Black Files (2019)

  • Electronic music 
  • Alternative dance 
  • Industrial techno 
  • Dark electro 
  • Tech-electro

Comment: ...white files. Indeed, rhythmic algorithms to be brought life with a blackened accent being superimposed upon an austere and minimal techno idea, which separately on its own way is all but merry either. It is pessimistically mechanical, i.e determined on programming as if emitting the sort of dystopian sadness followed by the grasp of impending apocalypse and havoc depending on the human being at long last. Industrial machine, otherwise it can also be called industrialised death/suicide machine goes on and on with people having neither wish nor hope to stop it. We continue talking about the rates in economy, about market situations and business speculations which in nature do have no matter anymore. All what is going around it is the final danse macabre, the smart and cynical ones have figured it out, the dumb ones not yet. At Dirty Hands a listener can imagine the silent snarl of Grim Reaper who is immediately ready to finish final seconds of dancing with the human being. At the end of the tunnel one can see grayish light regarding the cover print yet it is even more dystopian than getting into blackened light. The outing is a bit in the discography of Soisloscerdos.


Stekalive – Europa EP (2019)

  • Experimental techno 
  • Minimalism 
  • Alternative dance
  • Techno
  • Art music 
  • Electronic music 
  • Techno pop

Comment: by listening to this set of four compositions, more detailedly, long-running compositions by Stekalive, an artist from Krasnogorsk, Russia I shall have to admit by getting out more layers from there rather than just listening a musical example reminiscent of techno. However, it is an example of techno yet a vivid and invigorating one. Of course, there can be drawn parallels upon the likes of Orbital, and Underworld as fine examples of how to bring underground ideas to a broader ground. The aforementioned juggernauts and Stekalive as their disciple have proved the idea that producing experimental techno one can do without rejecting any pop music facets. Experimental techno and techno pop can be considered as different yet somehow inseparable sides of one and the same path. It may be I am a bit spoiled but I think Autechre also used to have that connection on many occasions. Keep going on, Europa EP is an organic and propelling sequel of acid and motorik, embodying a sort of polyphonic music consisting of almost unchangeably rhythmic shape-shifting and acidic adeptly warped effects set upon and over the former. The listener can perceive organic feedback between the whole and its initial parts. Additionally, one can hear a remote of krautrock especially at its most artsy moments. And that's the cardinal point. The enchanting outing is a bit in the discography of Soisloscerdos.


Megahast3r – Low Level Security (2017)

  • Acid techno 
  • Tekno 
  • Electronic music 
  • Acid house 
  • Rave music 
  • Alternative dance 
  • Minimal techno

Comment: this bunch of 4 compositions is a bipolar outing with regard to involving restrained yet somehow neurotically loaded electronic progressions and an elegant minimal techno and then trading it for shamelessly stomping electronic dance beats getting obviously inspiration from warehouse parties from the end 80s and the beginning 90s. It is sparse and straightforward yet providing a huge impact on a listener. Indeed, it is truly rave-up. Paradoxically it does have an emotional impact upon me because the emotions are burned off over there a priori. That's the way I like it. The issue is a part of the discography of Soisloscerdos Records.


Keith Jars – Huesca EP 1 (2017)

  • Techno 
  • Alternative dance 
  • Electronic music 
  • Acid house 
  • Acid techno

Comment: it is great pleasure to spend time with this 4-notch one being issued on Soisloscerdos. Huesca EP 1 reflects upon certain temporal spans in the beginning of the 90s and the end of the 80s while the world was stoned thanks to dope and hypnotically rhythmic music. Oh yeah, it is a wondrous half hour full of wadded cadences, loose oscillations and something else yet certainly magic within it additionally. On the other hand, it is still music from today as one can hear more technical and neurotic approach to it. Beyond that, you shall have to pay attention to the subsequent part of the outing. In a word, it is electronic/dance music as a form of art.


Langax – Under The Shadow EP (2017)

  • Electronic music 
  • Alternative dance 
  • Techno pop 
  • Electro pop 
  • Tekno 
  • Trance 
  • Crossover 
  • Post-disco 
  • Italy disco

Comment: Soisloscerdos is a prospering web-label being active in the belt of rhythm-induced and electronica-drenched music. However, those audible examples I have heard so far on the imprint are way too fidgety, delinquent and unorthodox to be pigeonholed as club dance, though. Moreover, the same could be said within the border of any issue either. From minimally shaped techno oscillations which now and then are intertwined with wobbly trance and bubbling tekno threads to a hirsute yet lofty high-pitched electro outlet. The music at least partly abandons the anonymity of the club dance by using it as a tool to magnify and boost the result. Besides it is clearly influenced by the end of the 70s and the 80s due to a strong impact of Italy Disco and spaced-out electro(nica). The last mentioned comparison is clearly unparalleled at Haute Tension. All in all, it can be concluded this handful of tracks is a cut above because of putting on a sprightly well-balanced show with peaky moments.


Antiplano – Prohibido (2012)

  • Experimental electronica 
  • Alternative 
  • Avant-electro 
  • Electronic music 
  • Drone 
  • Minimalism

Comment: this bunch of 5 compositions consists of minimally evolving tracks where glowering drones are tightly mingled with ever changing sinuous poly-rhythms being frequently subjugated to stereophonic effects and mind-provoking pitch trickery. Machines are keeping us from being the slaves of our own including listening habits. They introduce us to a universe being wondrous simultaneously due to its fidgety roughness and restless mysticism. While listening to the intense record you can catch your breath. Indeed, it is fortunately all but a mentally oppressive shit. Although it does not involve many layers it will get hold of our thoughts and secretive wishes in a linear way. Throughout the course the artist provides a steady feedback to the previous points passed by. The result is coherent nevertheless how serpentine and disjunct it may be perceived. This pre-eminent outing is a part of the discography of Soisloscerdos Netlabel.


Trillion Catz – Keep It Real EP (2017)

  • Plinkerpop 
  • IDM 
  • Post-pop 
  • Space pop 
  • Krautrock 
  • Indietronica 
  • Alternative 
  • Glitchtronica 
  • Experimental rock 
  • Avant-rock 
  • Electronic music

Comment: this bunch of 4 compositions comes out from such label as Soisloscerdos Netlabel, being the first entry of the imprint into the blog. Trillion Catz is the duo of Michael Nordhagen, and Günter Neumann from Berlin, Germany. Since the start in 2015 they have been especially active in 2017 while releasing three outings, including this 16-minute issue. Musically the duo`s music is a logical sequel to the Düsseldorf-Cologne-Berlin IDM/plinkerpop/indietronica/neokrautrock/post-rock scene of the 90s, to the bands like Tarwater, Mina, To Rococo Rot, Barbara Morgenstern, Contriva, Mouse On Mars, Kreidler, Pluramon. By listening to an instance of kraut-related music it is being an arousing experience to me in almost of cases. Keep is Real EP is the case for sure because it surprises with coherent structural buildup and mind-blowing sounds. Those bass driving dynamic lower parts are embellished with spacious, majestic, at times elliptic synthesised upper templates though at times the beauty is interrupted by glitched-out electronics and sonic effects here and there. I am sure it will be added to the top list of music releases in 2017.