
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Dusted Wax Kingdom. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Dusted Wax Kingdom. Kuva kõik postitused


Centz -- Lo-fi Library (2015)

Dusted Wax Kingdom/Bandcamp

  • Breaks 
  • Electronic 
  • Sampledelic 
  • Trip-hop 
  • Cinematic 
  • Easy listening 
  • Chilltronica 
  • Hip-hop

Käesoleva üllitise süüd lunastav eeldus ilmneb pealkirjas -- justkui oleks tegu mitte pärislugude, vaid teatud helide kogumiga. Sellega külgnevalt võib jõuda mõisteni "library music", mis samuti vihjas materjalile, millest komponeeriti uusi lugusid või kasutati kunati sihtotstarbeliselt. Teisalt tuleb nentida, et Flying Lotus'ega esile kerkinud hip-hop/trip-hop-põhjade ja filmiliku sämpledeeliaga muusika jätkab library music-kontiiniumit. Centz'i muusika (alg)molekule iseseisvalt otsides tuleks ilmselt läbi tuuseldada tohutu hulk vanu albumeid -- see oleks igati tore intellektuaalselt isiklikus plaanis, ent teisalt neile sämplitele on antud kaasaegne kontekst -- see tekst annab edasi ja tahab kirjeldada hoopis teistsugust. Kaasajal läheb asi veelgi segasemaks -- AI on tulnud, et seda kontiiniumit lõhkuda -- see on ühelt poolt lihtsam tee nii autoriõiguste kui vormistamise mõttes. Centz'i moraalne dilemma albumi loomise eel võis seisneda valikute piiramises -- mida võtta ja mida jätta? Kuidas ehitada muljetavaldav karkass, et ei jääks pinnapealseks? Piiride tõmbamine on paratamatu, et millelegi anda konkreetsed piirjooned, ent teisalt jätab alles kokkupuutepunkti (kuivõrd artist opereerib paratamatult kultuuris kui metafenomenis -- st kust tulevad eeldused ja siirded ning millesse omakorda antakse tagasi, st kasvatatakse selle kihti). Centz õnnestub albumil oma valikute-helikombinatsioonidega, pakkudes biitide-kinolinalike kihtide sünergiaga midagi vaimule ja intellektile. 14-looline album on üllitatud legendaarse Bulgaaria netiplaadifirma Dusted Wax Kingdom'i all.


Jazz One Beats – The MPC Files (2021)

  • Hip-hop 
  • Rap 
  • Breaks 
  • Urban music 
  • Sampledelic
24 lugu mahutatud 60 minutisse. Kui üht kaasaegset hiphopi mudelit aluseks võtta, siis nii see on. Just seda mudelit, mida populariseeris Flying Lotus. Kus rõhk ei ole niivõrd suulisel osal kuivõrd biitidel, meeleoluloomel, kulgemisel. Dekonstrueeritud räppmuusika, milles kõnelevad jätkuvalt vanad elemendid, ent need on toimetatud teistsuguses järjekorras, olles teistmoodi kokku klapitatud ning aktsentidega vürtsitatud. Ka siin on olemas agressiivne gängstaräppi iseloomustav sõnaline pool, ent kussutava heli taustal omandab see vähemolulisema tähenduse. Vokaal on üles sätitud puhttehnilise instrumendina, mitte niivõrd maailmavaadet väljendava portaalina. Lihtsalt üks funktsionaalne element teiste võrdsete seas, Iuues nii tasakaalu- kui vastupunkti. See dekonstruktsionistlik, autoriteeti tõrjuv aspekt on võimaldanud räppmuusikal levida veelgi enam globaalselt, mille üheks koondpunktiks näiteks on saanud Bulgaariast kureeritav plaadifirma Dusted Wax Kingdom. 
8.0 (7.5-9.0)


Centz – Night Games (2018)

  • Trip-hop 
  • Breaks 
  • Acid jazz 
  • Electronic music 
  • Hauntology 
  • Nu jazz 
  • Sampledelic 
  • Jazz house 
  • Plunderphonics 

Prince'i kodulinnast Minneapolisest pärit Colin Thieme on kokku salvestanud suure posu albumeid, mis on pärisalbumid vaatamata võimalusele, et helid ei pruugi olla "päris" ehk ehtsad – on võimalus, et artist on kõik need helid pätsanud tolmustelt krõbisevatelt vinüülidelt. Eks kummitava jätsu, koperdava triphopi ja elektroonilise muusika ristamine ongi kitsamas mõttes konkureerimine parima maitse ja sünergilise laksu väljamanamiseks. Raske on seesugusele muusikale näppu peale panna, veel raskem sellest lõppjäreldusi teha. Võib-olla selline taotluslikkus muudab pildi veelgi ähmasemaks, mis omakorda võib olla taotuslik. See on postmodernistlik äärmuste näitamine ja võimendamine, kurioosumite ilmestamine kompositsioonilistes vormides. Fragmentide, väljalõigete, juhuslike helide pühendamine popformaati. Olles ühtaegu nii kummitav kui varjulejääv. Varjulejääv seetõttu, et olles tohutust pärandist ja võimalustest ära hirmutatud. See ei kohusta küll millekski, ent sunnib kuulajat poolt valima. Loomulikult enda poolt. 

8.0 (7.0-8.5)


Garay Palma – Musica De Mentira (LP) (2020)

  • Trip-hop 
  • Hauntology 
  • Electronic 
  • Sampledelic 
  • Chilltronica
  • Downtempo 
  • Cinematic 
  • Breaks 
  • Dub 
  • Nu jazz 

Kui mõelda Bulgaaria plaadifirma Dusted Wax Kindgom`i diskograafia ja niinimetet keskmise artisti peale – tuletan meelde, et diskograafia on soliidne (383 albumit) – siis tuleks möönda, et kaks kõige olulisemat artisti viimasel kahel aastakümnel on olnud Flying Lotus ja The Caretaker. Ütleme siis otse – käesolev 11-looline album võiks olla see keskmine artist/album. Lohisevad nurgelised madalasageduslikud biidid, vanaaegsed kummituslikud sämplikatked, jäts ja triphop, näputäis dub`i ; aeglaselt hajuva suitsuvine sekka ka elektrikitarride soolosid ja riffe. Teisalt tekstuuriliselt-kavakindlalt järjepidevalt jääd – vabandust, kaanetunud hingeseisundeid – lahtimurdvad kordused. Meeleolu. Tundmuste võimendamine. Vinüülikrõbin on ehk puudu. Lapsepõlv, olevik, tulevik. Liikumine erinevates ajadimensioonides kunati (termin, mille väidetavalt võttis kasutusele lugupeetud filosoofiaõppejõud ja tõlkija Andrus Tool; Kiwa kirjutas hiljuti seda sõna läbivalt kasutades luuletuse). Igati sobiv kuulamine hilissuvel, kui on tunda sügise hiilivat jahedust õhus.


Leon – Philosophy (2018)

  • Nu jazz 
  • Cinematic 
  • Sampledelic 
  • Acid jazz 
  • Mood music

Comment: this bunch of 5 compositions seems to be suitable for listening to it on a hot summer day. The Mancunian Lofi.Leon (he describes himself in that way at Soundcloud) provides lazy, sun-stricken yet yawning trumpet whiffs being intertwined with dreamy female vowels and enchanting electric piano chords. At times the piano chords are traded for slightly warped string-based chords and as usual being supported by skiddy rhythmic patterns (if you wish it could be called lo-fi by their nature). There are up some funny titles like My Friend Went To South And Came Back With A Beard. Could you imagine such a sort of musical style with such a title? Thereafter you have listened to it for many times you will do it. Frequently it reminds me of another excellent artist called Mentz (who similarly likes to compose short-running tracks). The marvellous outing is a part of the discography of Dusted Wax Kingdom.


Ego Dome – Neurocentric EP (2019)

  • Acid jazz 
  • Nu jazz 
  • Breaks 
  • Trip-hop 
  • Hip-hop 
  • Sampledelic 
  • Urban music
  • Chilltronica 
  • Folktronica 
  • Electronic music 
  • Mood music 

Comment: by listening to this 11-track outing by Ego Dome on Dusted Wax Kingdom I started thinking of the effect of postmodernism as a contemporary phenomenon. That everything used to be appearing in one, and vice versa if to express it roughly. On the other side, if to follow a philosophical principle that something to be established first of all must have borders, without the limits there will exist nothing. Its multiple nature is strength and weakness on the same coin. Music may be a phenomenon which is partly above and beyond the aforementioned contradiction and/or obstruction. More profoundly, what are the characteristics of a very solid album today? Given that many contemporary albums provide strong impressions during first listening times, however, later their impact will fade away. By listening to this New Hampshire, US-based artist I can hear piano ballads, folktronic developments, suggestive scratches, velvety ambient plateaus, chilled-out and trip-hop mixed spans, acid/nu jazz-inflected chopped rhythms and calm cool jazz-esque woodwind instrumentals. However, we need another criterion to separate the chaff from the grains of wheat. This can only be synergistic power which is going to sustain a thrill for further listening times as well. I feel the issue is going to realise that goal.


Twin Muses – French Afrocentric EP (2010)

  • Trip-hop 
  • Electronic music
  • Hip-hop
  • Art pop 
  • Urban music

Comment: I can remember for those days approximately 20 years ago when I had been listening to Britpop. I would like to prefer to buy the tapes and actually these mediums used to be more dear than the compact discs today as well. Inside the bunch of guitar music there were represented a couple of albums of trip-hop to create a special feeling for certain moments. I did have Portishead's Dummy (1994), and Tricks Pre-Millenium Tension (1996). Actually something like that I experienced by listening to this 4-track record under Dusted Wax Kingdom. At least I could rehash the aforementioned memories. More detailedly, oneiric female singing by Marquee Gibb, smoky scratches, orchestrated panning, dusty reed organs. And all of that is adeptly backed up by fatty, almost tectonic beats. And the most important aspect to be added – the artist (Mr. Moods, and Marquee Gibb) obviously succeeded to get synergistic essence from it. I think today it could be tagged as art/sophisti-pop. Yeah, I love it.


Non Dolet – Dreamlover EP (2018)

  • Electronic music 
  • Alternative 
  • Darkwave 
  • Neoclassical 
  • Art pop 
  • Trip-hop

Comment: Non Dolet is an artist from Russia who did contact with me for approximately 5 years ago. Now she has released a 4-track issue under the high-praised Bulgarian imprint Dusted Wax Kingdom. I shall have to mention her sound has been progressed over the years and it is a decent listening experience. By its mood, it is a bit darkened and murky though giving no whole hand to it. The listener can see saturated violet-tinged scenes behind the curtains where melancholy and sadness are formed into the state of art. Those majestic orchestrations (you can hear intriguing diffused melodica drones and faint whistles within it) and slowly evolving rhythmic patterns (a decelerated rock and roll beat which is called trip-hop is clearly drawn out) will result in stretched yet a bit obsessive compositions which look at you as if being a human being once having been existed. And hint at you you're lost, you're a ghost, you have no way to return. You will not bum out and get bummed out. The music as a state of art may be exceedingly delightful but undoubtedly this sort of music arouses one's sensations even more. A great listening.


Zifhang – Two Worlds LP (2017)

  • Breaks 
  • Sampledelic 
  • Electronic music 
  • Urban music 
  • Nu jazz 
  • Downtempo 
  • Folktronica 
  • Mood music

Comment: Zifhang aka Tarik Tayeh is a producer from Chile whose 12-track long player represents a bound of two worlds. The listener can only guess what are those worlds behind it in fact. The listener cannot actually perceive perturbations within the course because all the elements are brought forth in first tracks – catchy samples, smoky ambiances, cozy flickers, arousing harmonies. It is a little bit erratic because the whole is a moody expression of sonic combinations and auricular possibilities. It used to alternately ascend and descend, more profoundly, being at times lively and at times wistful. Those wistful moments are the most transcendental ones within it. Microscopic string instrument induced glimpses are varied with macroscopic orchestrated hovers. At times it stands in front of your door, sometimes going close to the horizon. All of that is adhered to the shaggy rhythmic patterns which do repeat themselves endlessly. With regard to the latter sentences one can find out the answer to the question being set up above. The outing is a chip of the discography of Dusted Wax Kingdom, a legendary Bulgarian imprint.


Aitänna77 – Dried Flowers II (EP) (2017)

  • Breaks 
  • Trip-hop 
  • Sampledelic 
  • Downtempo 
  • Cinematic 
  • Downbeat

Comment: this set of 8 tracks clocking in at a 17 minute only is based on fragmented and slowed-down (trip-hop) beats being adorned with different kind of speech samples (with regard to music production). I can remember for that the Spaniard Mikel Martínez`s first outings (Health Needs; Buenas Son Tortas) were clearly more post-rock, indie(tronica) and folk(tronica)-tinged, however, this set of tracks is produced to be fully without any guitars (though obviously employing more exotic instruments). (No I am being wrong – 84 Years employs guitars, though). So it can be said the artist will have moved on to new terrains. For me, however, the technical and instrumental side of the albums is not the most important thing in music. I like those cinematic samples which used to appear here at times. Furthermore, it can be said microscopic moody moments are variegated with more arousing, beatific peaks (at Waveforms, for instance). The release is emotionally vectorised. The whole is coherent among its particles you are not allowed to feel a slacker flow throughout the course. Of course, with regard to the contemporary sample-based urban music we cannot deny the influence of Flying Lotus. The solid outing is a part of the discography of Dusted Wax Kingdom. 


MDL4 – Anima Mundi (2017)

  • Trip-hop 
  • Sampledelic 
  • Breaks 
  • Electronic music 
  • Mood music 
  • Alternative 
  • Hip-hop 
  • Urban music 
  • Big beat 
  • Electro 
  • Chilltronica

Comment: MDL4, an artist from Sacramento, California, USA makes a little bit difference within the last albums I have heard from the discography of the Bulgarian imprint Dusted Wax Kingdom, a fine record based on samples and crunchy beats thereof constituting a whole universe for our sake. The difference is based on more smooth transitions from one sample to another, more organic shifts from one beat to another, more subtle drifts from one style to another which also include more profound, cinematic reflections and stylistic movements. In a word, you can extract something magically elegant from within. The opening track Time Stamp is based on the storytelling of an estranged relationship. Sunwalker is the thick bound of a thrilling electro cadence and a massive big beat rhythm. Waves is about sublime, lofty waves as if coming out of your subconscious mind and at the same time having an influence as a tranquiliser. Old Waters is an astounding underground hip-hop appearance based on thick and gleaming beats and cut-up vowel effects. Starborn is an astral break-out based on suggestive electric piano chords and otherworldly synthesised layers. These ones were only some descriptions of this amazing whole. In my music player the 11-track issue will be finished off by Leaper which I would like to call muezzin-hop. Great stuff. In a nutshell, I am going to insert it into a list of the best issues in 2017. Into the list of the best issues in 2017 which is already up there at Recent Music Heroes.


Radj – 8 Tracks (EP) (2017)

  • Lo-fi 
  • DIY 
  • Nu jazz 
  • Sampledelic
  • Hip-hop 
  • Breaks 
  • Downtempo
  • Trip-hop 
  • Electronic music

Comment: Radj is an artist from Canada whose - surprise, surprise - 8-notch outing is a tight mix of shambling rhythms, suggestive samples from motion pictures (many of them are in Russian), and cinematic synthesised sounds. The outing is a quite short-running one and used to be uniform from the very beginning to the end point thereby chiming like a total track eventually. Why it is so? Emotionally it is restrained, it deliberately avoids progressing into something boisterous and unleashed. One can encounter some flourishes here and there but all of that seems to be hindered or at least withdrawn anyway. It is strongly controlled in its simple and even primitive format (I mean it in a positive sense anyway). So you can perceive tension with regard to the represented elements and huge potential waiting to be realized to the ultimate extent. The outing is a subsequent release by Dusted Wax Kingdom, a netlabel from Varna, Bulgaria. The heaven is today apocalyptically eclipsed due to the remote consequences of the hurricane Ophelia and as a result it is enjoyable with this set of sound.


Frenic – Monomyth: Separation (2015)

  • Sampledelic 
  • Nu jazz 
  • Hip-hop 
  • Psychedelic 
  • Crossover
  • Mood music 
  • Ambient pop 
  • Chilltronica 
  • Alternative 
  • Urban music 
  • Big beat 
  • Acid jazz

Comment: Bristol, UK-based DJ and producer Sam Fergusson aka Frenic has been active in releasing albums since the beginning of the 10s by excelling at the tradition of rhythmic music of his home city. In general, this mammoth issue of 22 pieces is a fine blend of hip-hop and trip-hop and big beat rhythms and on the other side by using cinematic orchestrated samples, glistening synthesised sounds and suggestive spoken samples. However, it involves a bunch of other turns and penumbras additionally. For instance, at Rhodes Home (feat.Alfie Grieve) Sam Fergusson used to exploit the softened electric piano based pattern (Rhodes-based chords?) being accompanied by a smooth jazz-inflected improvisation. At God Moves he employs flamenco guitar chords and tango vibes in a certain, effective way to result in a solid crossover mix of hip-hop. A following composition Refusal to Call (Skit) is a quite disparate case because Fergusson does introduce a thoroughly immersive spaced-out universe. At times the mood of the album used to change into a little bit murky and glowering. To create the issue was inspired by the artist`s first big and cordial tour in Greece thereafter decided to narrate the tale of a great journey in a musical language. As I said before it is an unique universe, it is immense enough to discover more elements with any subsequent listening time. And of course /Listen! listen to my heartbeat! Listen! Listen to me!/ Monomyth: Separations is a bit in the discography of a Bulgarian imprint, Dusted Wax Kingdom (as most of his earlier outings as well).


Cutside – Invisible Lines (2015)

  • Trip-hop 
  • Alternative 
  • Breaks 
  • Electronic music 
  • Sampledelic 
  • Smooth jazz 
  • Mood music 
  • Big beat

Comment: Dusted Wax Kingdom is a tough record label from Bulgaria with a number of releases reaching over 300 so far. One of those issues within it is Russian Cutside's Invisible Lines which is a sensual blend of sultry rhythms, smooth jazz-based samples, and airy and fickle layers atop involving a shitload of interesting minutiae within it. On the other side, those sultry rhythmic patterns are represented with different and changeable intensity therefore together making up something dynamically magic and suggestive. You can perceive those slipping patterns or some offbeat vibes showing up a charming appeal now and then. Stylistically it is a drift between trip-hop, and big beat. Truly fascinating by any means.


Frenklah - Tokyotape (2016)

  • Sampledelic 
  • Sound collage 
  • Chilltronica 
  • Mood music 
  • Psychedelic 
  • Soul 
  • Breaks 
  • Funk 
  • Urban music 
  • Cinematic 
  • Afrofuturism 

Comment: if there is playing an issue from the roster of Bulgarian imprint Dusted Wax Kingdom one can be absolutely sure it is something for his/her soul. Dusted Wax Kingdom is an imprint for refined sample-based music being built on inspiration from (nu) jazz, soul, funk, chill out and plunderphonics which on occasion results in cinematic glimpses. Let`s call it just urban music though depending on an album it could be mixed up differently of course. And all of that used to inspire the listener either. At least I feel myself inspired every time I am listening to it. Frenklah`s 11-track issue which clocks in at a 22-minute only is the case without any doubt. It is an in-between case of enchanting iterations in rhythms and suggestive harmonies of psychedelic music which at times is coated with wondrous, filmic vamps (Shinkansen, for instance). At No Dress there is up an indicative hint at the title of the album (by exploiting Japanese-based samples) though musically it does have a little common with the Japanese culture. By listening to the first issue Godzilla Intro it is an example of pure funk rock, and its is followed by The Theme which is also funk though relying more on cut-and-paste technique and more laid-back and afrofunk combined elements. In a nutshell, the result is stunning.


Knowz & Darkside – Starship Troopers EP (2016)

  • Breaks 
  • Hip-hop 
  • Acid jazz 
  • Sampledelic 
  • Nu jazz 
  • Chilltronica 
  • Rap 
  • Crossover 
  • Mood music 
  • Urban music

Comment: undoubtedly electronic revolution in music in the end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s did have a huge influence on major genres, including jazz music. Furthermore, it made possible to carry out new flows within a new paradigm with the help of electronic music, club dance, and other styles. It was the time to spit out such styles as acid and nu jazz. Later on, such labels as Ninja Tune, And Rune Grammofon, for instance, directed a part of jazz music across different trajectories. The former of them searched for such impulses being brought out from the human being’s inner space to intermesh them with cinematic panoramas and colourful imaginations and softened rhythmic alchemy. It could be said the Bulgarian-based Dusted Wax Kingdom imprint was obviously strongly influenced by it, however, to establish its own universe to exist on and having influence on others. One planet in this galaxy is this 8-notch outing, which is important enough because it conjures up a moody surrounding around the listener. Otherwise it is a soul-amusing platform for crossing different genres with one another. More profoundly, cool jazz meets with hip-hop and rap meets chilled-out electronic frequencies meet whimsical spoken word slices meet medieval flute sounds now and then. Indeed, you did hear it in right way – medieval sounds interlaced with other ones. One can imagine the spherical sonorous layers to be alight to get fun from some innocent mundane sins. At times the listener’s heart gets shredded by those beatific orchestrations and blissful moves of lead motives. In a nutshell, let’s download it to your music folder to be adjusted with other other releases from the discography of Dusted Wax Kingdom or the ones of being a mere but solid bit of the aforementioned imprints. And there is the great coverprint by any means.   


Josef Blo - The Studious EP (2011)

  • Hip-hop
  • Sampledelic
  • Cut and paste
  • Soul-hop
  • Cinematic
  • Breaks
  • Urban music
  • Sound collage

Comment: although this issue of 11 fragments is a short-running one clocking in at a 14 minute the result is at times exceedingly amusing. For instance, the opening piece Tradition starts off with a funny music hall vignette and cut-up beats and somewhat buried yet funny vowel expressions. However, later on, the music by the Canadian producer Josef Blo used to evolve into soulful progressions and even cinematic flickers which are reached by exploiting heavily sampling and cut and splice technique. It embraces a bunch of scratches, broken beats and hovering synthetic sounds and orchestrated parts all of them being fondly spliced and reiterated thereby representing the cut and paste/sound collage music rather than the pop-oriented product. On the other side, it does not mean it is nothing to do with poppy music – for instance, listen to Get Stoned and indeed, you get stoned due to those beatific harmonic movements and synergy between different elements. In a word, grab this album from a pre-eminent jazz/soul/hip-hop/broken beats/sampledelic music imprint, called Dusted Wax Kingdom.


Viktor Van River – Damaged (2015)

  • Mood music
  • Nu jazz
  • Acid jazz
  • Electronica
  • Breaks
  • Trip-hop
  • Sampledelic
  • Cinematic

Comment: it is a fabulous contemporary jazz-based roundabout. More profoundly, jazz music meets electronic beats and soulful singing or at least samples of speech snippets over the place. Indeed, if to trying to differentiate it from acid and nu jazz compositions then one could perceive more sample-based aesthetic and slowly, even lazily meandering rhythms on the nexus. These cadences are also sprinkled with lo-fi aesthetic and subtle concrete music samples. Indeed, the latter is an important thing because of being the counterpoint to crafty, mind-blowing harmony progressions. Pardon is the favourite of mine with slightly ominous synth progressions and threateningly stomping rhythms below it. The issue is a part of the discography of the Bulgaria-based imprint Dusted Wax Kingdom. The artist comes out of Almaty, Kazakhstan. Regarding the country I guess Sasha Baron Cohen should listen to it. I am afraid of he is obviously way too dull because of being immersed in his predispositions to be able to understand something like that or it might disturb his embarrasing picture of the world. His attitude in his motion pictures and the tolerance of it by Western people is a case of hypocrisy on its own.


Aydio – Deltitnu EP (2009)

/Post-rock, Alternative dance, Indietronica, Alternative pop, Mood music/

Comment: Aydio`s 4-track issue chimes like an one produced by a baggy/Madchester musician whose ambition was to create something a little bit different, however, having no intention to get rid of his/her old habits. More profoundly, intriguing guitar shapes, reversed effects, doleful glimpses and reverberating patterns skim its rhythm-driven and hiss laden surface which in turn having hints at burbly 90s indie dance music (as I previously said already), loose down-tempo frequencies. Indeed, the result is fabulous and fulfilled.        


Morriachi – The Outer Sphere EP (2011)

/Nu jazz, Micro jazz, Mood music, Hip-hop, Downtempo, Trip-hop, Cinematic, Sampledelic/

Comment: Morriachi`s 10-track issue seduces by stealth rather than by grand gestures. Indeed, it used to move on across a pathway in a silent way made up of miniature but smoky jazz samples, some hip-hop wobbles and wonky downtempo induced rhythms. Furthermore, the artist shows up repetition as a musical instrument. The issue seems to be creepy and contrasty filled with half-majestic, half-horrendous progressions thereby affording another meaning to the whole. Very good.