- 10:39
- 1080 pcollection
- 12rec.
- 141414
- 17 Sons
- 1707lolirecords
- 1Bit Wonder
- 20kbps
- 23 Seconds
- 2419 Record Label
- 2syllable
- 42 Records/24
- 45 Echoes Sounds
- 8ravens
- & O
- aaahh-records
- Aatma
- AbrazoVirtualDiscos
- Absent Fever
- Abstrakt Reflections
- Abyssa
- Accident and Emergency
- Achnns
- Acoustic Firework
- Acustronica
- Adaptador
- À Dècouvrir Absolument
- Adept
- Ad Eternum
- Admirable Traits
- Aerotone
- Aesthesea
- AFA Sound Machine
- Afmusic
- Ah!
- alg-a
- Algorhythm(s)
- Alkalinear Recordings
- Alma-Electronica
- AlpineChic
- Aloe City
- Already Dead Tapes
- Alrealon Musique
- Amajin
- Anima Recordings
- Anime Break TV Receptor
- Amek Collective
- a-musik
- Ancient Language
- Ancient Robot
- Anette
- Angel Dust
- Angry Arnold
- Annoying Beatz Crew
- Anode
- Another Record
- Ano(t)raks
- An Out
- Ansiform
- Antena
- Anti Fade
- Antifur
- Antiritmo
- Anubis Music
- Aquaregia
- Aquavelvas
- A Quiet Bump
- Apron
- Arbutus
- Archaic Horizon
- Archipel
- Arteqcue
- Artetetra
- Art Fag Recordings
- Argali
- Art As Catharsis
- Àrtico
- Art Is Hard
- Asiluum
- Assembly Field
- Astatine
- Astor Bell
- At Sea Compilations
- At Sea Music
- ATMA Classique
- Attenuation Circuit
- Audioactivity
- Audiobulb
- Audioexit
- Audio Gourmet
- Audiotalaia
- AudioTong
- Audition
- Aumega Project
- Aural Films
- Aural Sects
- Auricular
- Autark
- Auteur Recordings
- Autoplate
- Avatar
- Aventuél
- Awave Music
- Awkward Geisha
- Babel
- Babylon
- Backtrack
- Bad Panda
- Ba Da Bing
- Bakery Allstars
- Bake The Break
- Banana
- Barbatruco Producciones
- Barbie Noja
- Barsuk
- basic_sounds
- Bastion
- Batenim
- Bayshore
- Bearsuit
- Beatsgarage
- Belgian Man
- Believe In Billy
- Bellagioia
- Belly Button
- Bent Recs
- Bestiar
- Betanol
- Betasound
- BFW Recordings
- Bickerton
- Big Pharma
- Big Wave
- Biodata
- Birdsong
- Birthquake
- Bitchland
- Bivouac Recording
- Beko DSL
- Black Circle
- Black Fish Discos
- Black Metal Agenda
- Black Square
- Black Totem
- Blank Space
- Blastospheric
- Bleeding Gold
- Bleepsequence
- blocSonic
- Blueberry
- Blue Hawk
- Blue Smoke
- Bob Chaos
- Boiled Angel
- Bonding Tapes
- Bongo Boy
- Bonimedia
- Bon Voyage
- Born Bad
- BPM Front
- Brain Drill
- Brajangkolo
- Brave New
- Breaking
- Brechò Discos
- Briokids
- Broque
- Brownswood Recordings
- Brusio
- Brutta Faccenda
- Budabeats
- Buddhist Army
- Buddhist On Fire
- Bump Foot
- Bunai Carus
- Bunkai-Kei
- BURNthenation
- Bushmen
- Business Casual
- Bwaa
- Bypass
- Caballito
- Cabeza!
- Cactus-Mouth
- Cakes And Tapes
- Camomille
- Canata
- Candy Mind
- Caoutchou
- Carbonoproyecto
- Casa Rara
- Cascade
- Cassette Art Classics
- CatchyNameRecords
- Cause And Effect
- Cavern Brew
- Cercle Social
- CerebralAudio
- Cerouno
- Chase
- Chiennoir
- Chillhop
- Chinstrap Globall Enterprises Limitited
- Chiptunes = WIN
- Chocolate Monk
- Chondritic Sound
- Cian Orbe
- Cibi Caldi
- Cimmerian Shade Recordings
- Circle Into Square
- City Ceiling
- Classwar Karaoke
- Clinical Archives
- Cloister Recordings
- Coelacanth
- Cold Fiction Music
- Cold Room
- Cold Smoke
- Colectivo Casa Amarela
- Collusion
- Color Squad
- cOmaRecOrdz
- Comfort Stand Recordings
- Completely Gone Recordings
- ComputerMusicNeix
- Confusion Specialist
- Connexion Bizarre
- Constellation Tatsu
- Control Valve
- Corpid
- Cosmic Compositions
- COTA303
- Cozy Home
- Craneal Fracture
- Crash Symbols
- CrazySane
- Cratediggers
- Crem Road
- Crime League
- Crna Zemlja
- Crooked Tree
- Crucial Blast
- Crunchy Human Children
- Crypt Designers Guild
- CS Industrial 1982-2010
- Cyclic Law
- Daddy Tank
- Da ! Heard It
- Dais
- Dancing Shadows
- Dark System
- Darling Dada
- Day of the Droids
- Dead Bees
- Death Roots Syndicate
- Decaying Spheres
- Deep Elm
- Deepindub
- Deep Lake
- Deeplimit
- Deep-X Recordings
- Degelite
- Degenerate Trifecta
- Dementia
- Depth Recordings
- Der Kleine Grüne Würfel
- de.te.ri.o.ra.tion
- Devil Noise
- DJ Black Guy Music
- Djummi
- Diabetic Koala
- diareahRAMA
- Digital Diamonds
- Digital Kunstrasen
- Digital Minimum
- D-I-Net
- Dinosaur City
- Dipsomaniac Distilleries
- Dischi Senza Parole
- Disco Cinematic
- Disposable Audio
- Distance Recordings
- DIY Church
- D Minor
- DNA Production
- Dogworld
- Dominionated
- Domizil
- Dosis Feralis
- Dosis Letalis
- Doom Trip
- Doubledgescissor
- Doubtful Sounds
- Dopefish Family
- Dracula Horse
- Dreamland Recordings
- Dreiklang
- Drift Deeper Recordings
- Drowning
- Dubbed Tapes
- Dubbhism
- Dub-O-Phonic
- Dracula Horse
- Dramacore
- Dream Noise
- Dubbed Tapes
- Dunk! Records
- Dusted Wax Kingdom
- Dustin Must Die
- Dystimbria
- dystopiaq
- DZ Tapes
- Ear Alert
- EardrumsPop
- Ear Free Music
- Earstroke
- Earth Mantra
- Earth Monkey Productions
- Earthrid
- Eastern Recordings
- Echoes Sounds Collection
- Ecology Attack
- Eden Deeply
- EDiLS Recordings
- EdisonBox
- EEE Recordings
- Eesti Pops
- Efficient Space
- Effluvia Recordings
- Eg0cide
- Eilean
- Ekafon
- Ekar
- Ekleipsi
- Ektoplazm
- Electric Phantom Productions
- Electrobel
- Electrolyt
- ElectronEmitter
- Electrosound Moscow
- Elegant Elephant
- Elegirl Label
- Elementperspective
- Elephant Bass
- E.L.M Collective
- EL Muelle
- Elpa Music
- El Rancho
- Embajadores de la mùsica colombiana
- Emerald City
- Empty Editions
- Enbilulugugal KreationsZ
- Energostatic
- Enough
- Enshrine
- En Stillhet Som Döden
- Entity
- Entropy
- Envelope Collective
- Epa Sonidos
- Epsilonlab
- Equaliteq
- Erased Tapes
- Error-Broadcast
- Error! Lo-Fi Recordings
- Etched Traumas
- Ethno Indigo
- Ethereal Talks
- escc9
- Estranged Communications
- Everyday
- Everything Is Chemical
- Exhaust Valve
- Experia
- Export Label
- Extra Lovely
- Eye Machine Recordings
- Fake Four Inc.
- Fallen Empire
- Fant00m
- Far So Far
- Father / Daughter
- Faturenet
- fedbymachines
- FeedbackLoop Label
- Feedoptions
- Feuerstein
- Fiadh Productions
- Fictício
- Field Hymns
- Finity
- Firteen
- Flenser
- Floppy Kick
- Fluttery
- Folksoundomy
- Fonal
- Fonolith
- Fork And Spoon
- Format Noise
- For Now
- Foundamental
- Fragment
- Free Floating Music
- Free Range Beats
- Free Sample Zone
- Fresh Poulp
- Froggi
- Front End Synthetics
- Frost Productions
- Frozen Forest
- Fuck Labels//Fuck Mastering
- Fujimi Industry
- Full Spectrum
- Fumin-label
- Fuselab
- Future Destination
- Futuredraht
- futurerecordings
- Fuzzkill
- Fwonk
- Gabumat
- Gargan
- Geomagnetic
- Geometry Recordings
- Giant Manilow
- Girly Girl Music
- Global Pattern
- Goa
- Godless America
- God Rekidz
- Gods On Safari
- God`s Underground Frequency Terminal
- Golden Pavilion
- Gop Tun
- GoldenPoint
- Gold Robot
- Grains Of Sand
- Graveyard Orbit
- Gravitas Recordings
- GreenBeats
- Green Cookie
- Green Field Recordings
- Green Note
- Gruener Wuerfel Drehkommando
- Gvillotina
- GV Sound
- Hail Hail
- Hairdryer Excommunication
- Half-Gifts
- Hamsterloco
- Hanson
- Happy Prince
- Happy Puppy
- Hare Akedod
- Haunted Klinik
- Haushaltsware
- Hawk Moon
- Hazard
- Heartphone
- Heathen Harvest
- Heavy Mental
- Heia Sun
- Heidens Hart
- Heligator
- Heliophagia
- Hellfire
- Herd
- Hermit Hut
- Heromlabs
- Heterodox
- Headphonica
- Hicc
- Hidden Vibes
- Higher Living
- Hinah
- Hip-Hop Farwest
- Hippocamp
- Hirundu
- Hisstology
- Histamine Tapes
- HolyPageRecords
- Horror
- Horse Dick
- Hortus Conclusus
- Hot Casa
- Houdini Mansions
- Hudini
- Hujan! Rekords
- Human Sounds
- Humanworkshop
- Hymie`s Vintage
- Hypnose
- HysM?
- Iapetus
- Iboga
- Ibrasotope CS
- Idealstate Recordings
- IDMF Netlabel
- Ignis Fatum
- I Hate Smoke
- I Heart Noise
- Illogical Kit
- IIMusic
- Illsound
- Illuminated Paths
- I Low You
- Ilse
- Imaginary Albums
- Immoral Basement
- Imploding Sounds
- imprec
- Impulsive Habitat
- InClub
- Infinite Lute
- Inglorious Ocean
- Ingrown
- Inmyroom
- Inner Cinema
- Inoquo
- Insectorama
- Instant Classic
- Interplanetary Floral Star
- Interscape
- In Your Ears
- I, Voidhanger
- Kaarbanik Sound
- Kage Recordings
- Kahvi Collective
- Kaleidoscopic Label
- Kalpamantra
- Kamizdat
- Kanal 30
- Kaos ex Machina
- Karlrecords
- Kermesse
- Khannonmusic Studios
- Khroma
- Kikapu
- Killekill
- Kill Mommy
- King Deluxe
- Kissankusi
- Kittenrock
- Kitty On Fire
- Klitorik
- Knobs
- Kojby
- Komisch
- Kontroljet
- Kopoc Label
- Kopp Netlabel
- Krata
- Kreislauf
- Kusanone Label
- La bèl
- labil_recordings
- Lab Room Unlimited
- Labud KUP
- La Caverne Du Dragon
- Laconia
- Lady Sometimes
- Laideadelsur
- Lal Lal Lal
- Land Animal Tapes
- la-pikki-pikki
- Laridae
- Latin Bass Mexico
- Latinwave
- Laughing Vines
- Laverna
- Le Colibri Nècrophile
- lego6
- Lemari Kota
- Le Pince Oreilles
- Lepork
- LibreCommeLair
- L.I.E.S.
- Lifelike Family
- Lily Tapes & Discs
- Liminal Noise
- Limit Cycle
- Linear Obsessional Recordings
- Linge
- Little Ying
- Live God
- Lluevenalces
- Load And Clear
- Lo-fi Philosophy
- Lo-fi/Sci-fi
- Loli in early 20s
- Lona
- Longrail
- Lo Recordings
- Loser Crew Recordings
- Lo-Slow
- Lossoka
- Lost Children
- Lost Elements
- Lost Frog
- loveandtonicrecords
- Love Torture
- LTM Recordings
- Lucas Pastina
- Lucanidae
- Lumi
- Luna The Cat
- Lunarflower
- Lurker Bias
- LuvSound
- Macaque
- Machine Label
- Machine Made
- Machine Tribe Recordings
- Maetrixsolution
- Magnatune
- Magyar
- Major Problems
- Malignant
- Maltine
- Malware
- Mangled Music
- Manifest Northwest
- Mankymusic
- Mansarda
- MarginalRec.
- Mars Melons
- Masked Dead
- Mastik
- Mauve Zone Recordings
- MAV (0 kbps)
- Mean Seed
- Megavoid
- Mekkanikal Industries
- Mellow Blush
- Melted Ice Cream
- Menthe De Chat
- Meridian
- Metal Postcard
- Metalodic
- Metropolis
- Miasmah
- Microbit
- Microforma
- Micromod
- Microrama
- Microstructure
- Midinette
- Midira
- Midnight Circles
- Midsummer Madness
- Miga
- Mindblasting
- mindcolormusic
- minds ctrl mix
- Mini50
- Minicromusic
- Minogame
- MiMi
- Mimonot
- Mindblasting
- Mine All Mine
- Minimized Music
- MinusN
- MishkaNYC
- M.I.S.T
- Mirakel Musik
- Mirror Universe Tapes
- M I S T
- Mixomat Recordings
- Mobius Spin
- Modismo
- Monasterio de Cultura
- Monofònicos
- MonoKraK
- Monotonik
- Monstercat
- Monster Jinx
- Mood Hut
- Mood Swing
- Moon Glyph
- Moonpalace
- More Power Tapes
- Morgan Leah
- Morning Hour
- Moron Labs
- Mortville Noise
- Mothermantra
- Motovation
- Movimento Particellare
- Moving Furniture
- Munchiegohilarious
- Murmure Intemporel
- Museum Of Microcassette Art
- Museum Of Skin
- Musica Docil
- Musica Moschata
- Music From Memory
- Musictrade
- Mutant Sonic Exposure
- Muteant Sounds
- Myhand.thanx
- Myrdal
- Na Cara e Coragem Produções
- Nachtstück
- Naciòn Libre
- Naked Noises
- Nakrikal
- Narrominded
- Natch
- Nature Bliss Inc.
- Naviar
- Nebular Silence
- Negation
- Nekubi Tapes
- Nemui Bunny
- Nenormalizm
- Nepiaporo
- Neogoa
- Nerve
- Netlabel-G16
- Netwaves
- Neuhain Recordings
- Newform8
- New Weird Australia
- Nexsound - Wayward Music
- NGC147
- Night School
- N.I.H.L.
- Nillacat
- Nishi
- NNA Tapes
- Noctilucent
- Noise Horror
- Noise Revolt
- Noisybeat
- Noisy Vagabond
- Noize Konspiracy
- Noiztank
- No Kings
- Nomadic Kids Republic
- Nomen Omen
- None60
- Nonstopnonsense.netLab
- Non-Waste Production
- No Problema Tapes
- No Rent
- Northamericanhardcore
- No-Source
- Nostress
- No Type
- Nowaki
- Nuclear War Now!
- Nulogic
- Nul Tiel
- Numb Capsule
- Num Num Nah
- NYCTaper
- O2
- Obliq Recordings
- Obscure Dungeon
- Oddot
- Odio Sonoro
- Oficyna Biedota
- Omchaki
- Omnempathy
- Omniset
- One
- Onesensemusic
- Ongakubaka
- Only Freak People
- Onorezdi
- On Sunday Recordings
- Opa Loca
- Opal Tapes
- Opiate
- Orange Cliff
- Orange Milk
- Orikami
- Oroboron
- Østpreussen
- Other Electricities
- Otherman-Records
- Otium
- Outcome Unknown
- Out Of Obscure
- OverClocked ReMix
- Ovum Recordings
- OxyDuern
- Pakapi
- Pandafuzz
- Panicmachine
- Panospria
- Panurus Productions
- pan y rosas discos
- Paradigms Recordings
- Paradise Gate
- Paradoxicomanie
- Parallax Sounds
- ParaLucid
- Parvati
- Passage
- Patient Sounds
- Pati Rasa
- Pawlacz Perski
- Paxico
- PCT musique
- Pedicure
- Pen & Mallet
- Pentagonik
- People Can Listen
- Peppermill
- Persona-Isla
- pertin-nce
- Petcord
- Petroglyph
- Phase! Records Net Junk
- Phases
- Phoenix United
- Phonocake
- Picpack
- Pitu Pitu Recordz!
- Pizzabox Society
- Placenta Recordings
- Planet X
- Plataforma-LTW
- Plateau/Garden
- Please Do Something
- Plume
- Plunk Noise
- Plus Timbre
- Pocket Fields
- Podreira
- Polyvinyl
- Polywave Christian
- Pomogite Community
- Poni Republic
- Popsakal
- Porridge Bullet
- Post Global Recordings
- Post:Soc
- POUeT! Schallplatten
- Poverty Electronics
- Practice
- Praxis
- Pritch
- Proc-records
- Projekt
- Prologue
- Prosity
- Psicotropicodelia
- Psy-Dance-Global
- Psymoon
- Pueblo Nuevo
- punkistpop
- Pure Fucking Gold
- Purgatorius
- PZ104orbit
- Racewillbegin
- Rack & Ruin
- Racket In My Head
- Radio Hand
- Radio Stalingrad
- Rad Nauseam
- R.A.I.G Accessory Takes
- Rain
- Rain Above
- Rainbow Bridge
- Rat Tail Tapes
- Raw Coffin Rec.
- Rawmatroid
- Realaudio
- Rec72
- Red Eye
- Redstarcommunity
- Refuse
- Regale
- Regia
- Rejected Netlabel
- Repartiseraren
- Repùblica Ibèrica Ruidista
- Resonating Wood Recordings
- Ressonus
- Rest.
- Resting Bell
- Restless Life Syndrome
- Retrospective Zoology
- Reunion
- Reverse Alignment
- Reverse Phase
- Rigorism Production
- Ringe Raja
- Riot Season
- Ritual Tapes
- Robo! Robotica
- Robot Elephant
- Robotic Tooth
- Robust Fellow
- Rocket Recordings
- Rodent Tapes (Backstage)
- Rogue Spore
- Romeda
- Round Dog
- Rrrchives
- Run For Cover
- RUSpiral
- Rusted Sun
- Rusted Tone Recordings
- RusZUD
- Ruzzi
- RVNG Intl.
- Sacramental
- Safe-Trip
- Sailboat
- Sajgon
- Salitre
- Santa Rosa
- Sanzimat International
- Saucepan
- Savage Magic
- Scarlet
- Schall-netlabel
- Schwa!
- Scolex Recordings
- Sdban
- Second Family
- Section 27
- Seksound
- Sè-lo!
- Seminal
- Sequel Sound
- Sepaticonha
- Serendip Lab
- Serenity Now
- Serious Serious
- Sex & Death Electronics
- Sextoy
- Sgustok
- Shaloma Muzik Recordings
- Shame File Music
- Sheep::netlabel
- Sheepscar Light Industrial
- Sheffield Tape Archive
- Shield Recordings
- Shrammaka Recordings
- ShutUpAndListen
- Signora Ward
- Siko
- Silber
- Silent Flow
- Silent Method
- Simphonic Silence Inside
- Sinewave
- Sinewaves
- Singapore Sling Tapes
- Singing Birds
- Single Strand Recordings
- Singulary
- Sinoptic International
- Sioux Trail
- Sirona-Records
- Six Tonnes De Chair
- Skeksis
- Skitnaste
- Skull Dungeon
- Slaapwel
- Slogre
- Small Bear
- Smell The Stench
- Smikkelbaard
- SmileCore Nation
- Smoke_rec
- Sociopath-Recordings
- Soft-Recordings
- Soisloscerdos
- soo.su
- Solanic
- Soluxion Records Limited
- Someone
- Somnu
- Sonic Groove
- Sonic Reverie
- Sonic Walker
- Sonido
- Sonido Cuàntico
- Sonoscopia
- Sostanze
- Sound In Silence
- Sound Museum Music
- Soundway
- Spaceal Orbeats
- Speak Up Recordings
- Speedcore Worldwide Audio
- Spettro
- Spheredelic
- Sphicot
- Spinda
- Spiral Jetta Recordings
- Split-notes
- Sputo
- Squareglass
- SSN Technologies
- Stadtgruen
- Standard Music
- Static Factory
- Static Shock
- Staticism HNW Tape Swap
- Stato Elettrico
- Steak Au Zoo
- Steeping Mary Label
- Stereophonk
- Stereoscenic
- Stillborn Twins
- Stomoxine
- StoneAge
- Stop
- Storage Unit
- Stranded
- Strange Guy
- Strategic Tape Reserve
- Strawberry Moon
- Stray Recordings
- Street Cleaner Discs
- Structured Disasters
- Studio 4632
- Studiolo Laps
- Sub Klub
- Submarine Broadcasting Company
- Subsidiary Walls
- Subsource
- Subsymbolic
- Subterranean Tide
- Subtropics
- Subversive Media
- Subwise
- Sucu Music
- Sudamerica Electronica
- Sud Swap
- Sunset Recordings
- Sun Station
- Sunyatha
- Sunup Recordings
- Supafeed
- Surfaces
- Surf Cookie
- Surrealfreak
- suRRism-Phonoethics
- Suspicious Sound
- Susu Ultrarock
- Sutemos
- Szara Reneta
- Svart Lava
- Sweet Smelling Surfaces
- Swift Music
- Takashi-kun
- Take Pills Die
- Tandem Tapes
- Tandori
- Tanuki
- Tanukineiri
- Taped Rugs
- Tape-Safe
- Tavern Eightieth
- tecnoNucleo
- Temiong Recordings
- Ten Thousand Yen
- Teque-Nique
- Terminal Explosion
- Terminal Station
- Terranean Recordings
- Tesla Tapes
- Tessellate Recordings
- Test Tube
- Textone
- Textural Healing
- Tharoop
- ThazDope
- The Centipede Farm
- The Centrifuge
- The Church Of Noisy Goat
- The Daydream Generation
- The Living Archive of Underground Music
- The Spiritual Triangles
- The Tinopener`s Music
- The Trilogy Tapes
- The Waveform Generators
- Thick Description Recordings
- Thinner
- Third Estate
- Third Floor Tapes
- Third Ham
- Third Kind
- Three Legs Duck
- Thrènes
- Thrmnphone
- Throne
- Time Released Sound & Time Sensitive Materials
- Tiny Box
- Tipsypoodl
- Titicacaman
- Toc Label
- To Live A Lie
- Tombed Visions
- Top 40
- Top Of The Flops
- Torcaza
- Torn Flesh
- Toten Schwan
- Toucan Music
- Towner
- TrainWreckTapes
- Transfusão Noise
- Transcending Obscurity
- Transit
- Transmos
- Transtorninho
- Tranzmitter
- Trash Can Dance
- Trashfuck
- Trastienda
- Treetrunk
- Trekkie Trax
- Triceratupuz
- Trilob
- Tripostal
- Tropic
- Tropical Twista
- Tsefula/Tsefuelha
- TZKATZ ediciones
- Tuamalanpak
- Tukuringra
- Tu Morro Tomorrow
- Twice Removed
- Twitin
- Two Lane Phonebooth
- Two Michael Jordans
- Vacu Sessions
- Vagary
- Valetna
- Vanguardista
- Vanity Case
- Vaporbabes
- Vate
- Vatican Analog
- Velvet Bazaar
- Venus Aeon
- Vernal Week
- Verses
- ViVeriVive
- Virgin Babylon
- Viridian
- VKRS Music
- Vomit Gore
- Vulpiano
- Waist Deep
- Watch Pineapple Press
- Wavelike
- WDG Music
- We Are All Ghosts
- Webbed Hand
- Weakie Discs
- Weather Vane
- Weird Ear
- Werkstatt Recordings
- Wharf Cat
- Whatever Forever
- Where To Now?
- White Birch
- Whitelabrecs
- White Moon Recordings
- Wholeness Recordings
- Wicked Dream Recordings
- Wilhelm show me the Major Label
- Wist Rec.
- Wisteria
- Withering-Trees
- WM Recordings
- Wondermachine Music
- Wonderyou
- Wonderwheel Recordings
- Wooden Sherpa
- Woo-Dog Recordings
- Worldbeats
- World In Sound
- Wormhole World
- Wound Music
- Wrieuw Recodings
- Writing
- Zaikadelic
- Zamzamrec
- Zardonic Recordings
- Zenapolae
- ZenQ Sounds
- Zeon Light
- Zeromoon
- zh27
- ZigurArtists
- Zimmer
- Zorch Factory
- Z Tapes
- Zymogen