
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Green Field Recordings. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Green Field Recordings. Kuva kõik postitused


Joseph Young – In A Shetland Landscape (2016)

  • Field recording 
  • Musique concrète 
  • Conceptual 
  • Non-music 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Experimentalism

Comment: there exist different views on field recording. Some people say it's purpose is to conjure up exactly the same feeling one could get from a natural environment while listening to an issue. For me, it is not true because our perception of the nature could not consist of one perceptive kind only. Of course, the hearing simulation is important but not the only sort of. On the other side, such sort of albums are something very special which arouse the listener to go out from his/her stressful and inferior civilised environment and step into something to be genuine and pure and authentic. Indeed, we once came from it which deserves to be protected and unharmed. Our Earth is gifted to us with purpose that we could demonstrate our thankfulness, moderateness and wisdom. Do we deserve the name of God's animals or are we just jerks who are there to fuck up everything laying around us? In fact, there is no choice in a longer perspective. Thirdly, Joseph Young as a sonic documentalist's purpose is to seek and showcase consistency and harmony between the human being and nature, to reflect on the living of a certain rural area being traditional and modern through permanent changes within a community. The fourth point is something very specific, to depict and record some sounds in the way that they could chime as (minimal) music (at Barbara's Music). There is up music, it is set up in rhythm, it is the author's presence a little bit more than just as a sound designer. Furthermore, in general, he as an artist takes all these authentic pieces to manipulate with them, to serialise and align them in different sequences. It is a sense of such a sort of work. Let's think of all of that while listening to this 14-track issue which reflects upon the ennobling beauty. The issue is a bit of the discography of Green Field Recordings. 


Manuel Calurano - Sonic Scenes From China (2013)

  • Musique concrète
  • Field recordings
  • Non-music
  • Conceptual
  • Sound collage
  • Chant music
  • Abstract
Outstanding tracks:
Sonic scenes from China


Enrico Coniglio - Sabbion (2013)

  • Organic electronica
  • Musique concrète
  • Experimentalism
  • Non-music
  • Avant-garde
  • Soundscapes
  • Field recording
Outstanding tracks:



Alexei Biryukoff Talmenka (Green Field Recordings/Muhmood)

Barnaul`ist pärit eksperimentaalmuusik ja maalikunstnik Aleksei Birjukov aka Muhmood on jõudnud oma kuuenda sooloalbumini - ning enda sõnul esimese field recording-reliisini. Tõepoolest, kuue aasta jooksul on tema loomingu kese nihkunud tumeämbiendi ja kitarrieksperimentalismi juurest naturalistliku suunas. Ka tema eelmine üllitis "6200 Miles Of Silence" (2009, Noecho) oli puhtalt naturaalhelide põhine - ainult selle vahega, et siberlane töötles ja kärpis märgatavalt algsalvestiste kogumit.

Aprilli alul väljastatud "Talmenka" nimi on tulnud samanimelise jõe ja küla järgi Altai regioonis - inspireerituna ennekõike looduslikult kaunist paigast. 15 lugu talletavad üksikasjalikult Birjukov`i reisi - algab ja lõpeb see rongireisiga. Rongirataste motoorika, erinevate taustamürade-urinate talletamine, jutukõminad. Põhiosa moodustavad ülesvõtted päikesepaistelistest ja märgadest päevadest - ritsikate sirin ja konnakoorid on vaheldumas kõu ja paduvihmaga. Veepahin - ja vulin. Ka koerte haukumist, sammude kaja võsastikus ning elektrilõikuri müra on kuulda. Pastoraalne idüll. Koherentne ja hästi komponeeritud simulaakrum - seda meie, kuulajate jaoks.

Kuula albumit siit
