
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Mansarda. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Mansarda. Kuva kõik postitused


Akaao – Psychic Uprising (2018)

  • Live 
  • Electronic music
  • Art music 
  • Kosmische Musik 
  • Avant-garde
  • Progressive 
  • Experimentalism 

Kummalised on need albumite pealkirjad... . Kas mitte iga albumi kallal nokitsemine ei ole tavapärasest kõrgema psüühilise ja vaimse nivoo aktiveerimine? Tõusmine üles ja millegi vastu? Iga eelmise autoriplaadi ja ümbritseva saundi vastu? Tautoloogiline nending, on ju? Brasiilia muusik Jonas Dalacorte on mänginud bassi ja kidrat mitmes (rokk)ansamblis, aga käesolev neljalooline üllitis – paar lugu on esitatud ja üles võetud laivis – on kosmilise krautroki territooriumile liikumine. Tegelikult peaks tõmbama joone Kosmische Musik'i ja krautroki vahele, kuna on suur muusikaline erinevus Tangerine Dream'i ja CAN'i suguste puntide vahel. 60ndate lõpul Saksamaal esile kerkinud puntide üldistamine ühe ja sama žanrilise vihmavarju alla on mugav, ent eimidagiütlev ja sageli väär. Kosmische Musik on Ashra, Tangerine Dream ja Popol Vuh, aga mitte CAN, Faust, varane Kraftwerk, Guru Guru ja Neu!. Muidugi albumite lõikes võib kattuvusi olla, aga üldjoontes väide pädeb. Kuulates Dalacorte'i Kosmische't tuleb nentida meeleolust tingitud erinevust rokkmuusikaga – esimene on inertne, sissepoole pööratud; teine on väljapoole tungiv pulbitseva energia foonil. Konkreetne inertsus ehk kasinate helidega manipuleerimine tohutusuures kõlaruumis on hästi välja mängitud. Kvaliteeti lisab tõik, et (mõõdukas) pompöössus on tasakaalustatud (mõõduka) eksperimentaalse obsessiivsusega, meenutades nii kõlaliselt kui metodoloogiliselt Konrad Schnitzler'it ja Asmus Tietchens'it. Asjalik klingel-klangel igati. See veenab, see kutsub uuesti osalema psüühilises ülestõusus, mille on üllitanud Mansarda Records.


De Carli/Dias/Zanatta – Defrag (2018)

  • Improvised music 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Drone 
  • Electro-acoustic 
  • Free jazz 
  • Field recording 
  • Musique concréte

Comment: this bunch of 15 tracks (most of them are just very short snippets) begins with an intense glistening droning (the truly blissful start to an outstanding release as we can get convinced eventually!) which later will be variegated with electro-acoustic improvisations, downright electronic effects, field recording mixed wide plateaus, uncanny dodges towards obscure jazz inclinations and vowel-based experiments beyond distinctive categorization – in a word, there is no borders to be established. By its nature it is an example of simply experimental music wherein the musicians employ all the aforementioned elements in a playful, witty, and incisive way. By its frequently primitive way at will it is coated with broken sounds and crackling currents as if partaking in an oldie simulacrum providing no dates, providing no spatial parametric orientations. It does mean, of course, the outing is filled in with wholesome humour, it is a something truly one's consciousness broadening and inspiring case being an issue coming out from the discography of Mansarda Records.


Stibium – Turvo (2017)

  • Free jazz 
  • Improvised music 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Leftfield 
  • Avant-garde

Comment: this outing of 7 tracks is another unvarnished madness within the free jazz and Improvised music genre. More profoundly, you can imagine a swarm of dysfunctional musicians playing their deranged solos and dejected snippets which are then set to be repeated again and again. Ultimately it can be said it is a crafty statement because those energetic vectors are pushed in one direction. Even if you see it of containing thematically more than just one topic (for instance, at times coming close to guitar-led fusion appearances). You can feel overwhelming power pouring out of any slots. Therefore it can be considered as an example of the demonstration of power within metallic objects as if spending your time somewhere in the junkyard. Otherwise I would call it freeformfreakout but it is obviously an acknowledged phenomenon today. But that's no problem. It is a solid work on Mansarda Records.


Bramir – Amuletos: I-IV (2017)

  • Drone 
  • Microtonal 
  • Minimalism 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Ambient drone 
  • Post-industrial 
  • Micronoise

Comment: this 4-notch issue provides a different sort of haunting music rather than just coming out of a horror movie. It does not include either shrieks or highly lurking narrative, it is warm and permanent in its endless droning while emitting almost audible shades behind it. Yet it is possible I have hauled in non-existent entities in reality. It may have cheated my perception elegantly due to its iterative nature and elliptical fringes. Yet if the music evokes these ghosts in my head I guess they can be considered as existing ones. As real ones. Yes, it is a philosophical question about the nature of entities. I can hear the very intense soundscape behind these layers yet at the same time chiming in a muffled way. Otherwise it could be a merciless harsh noise attack. Yet the more you listen to it the more it reveals its malignant nature. The pulsating drones beat in my head and will connect with my intellect. The music which makes one thinking of. The outing is a part of the discography of Mansarda Records.


Bode, Dias, Rieger, Gibson – Síndrome de Burnout (2013)

  • Improvised music
  • Micronoise
  • Improvised noise
  • Free jazz
  • Avant-jazz
  • Experimentalism
  • Experimental electronica
  • Electro-acoustic
  • Post-bop
Outstanding tracks:
O Mundo Externo
Apàtico, Em Horror
Neuroses Adjacentes
O Mundo Externo II
Alienação e afastamento
Exaurido, desaba


Chinese Cookie Poets + Nicolau Lafetà - Danza Cava (2013)

  • Improvised music
  • Free jazz
  • No Wave
  • Psychedelic
  • Electro-acoustic
  • Avant-garde
  • Experimentalism
  • Funk
  • Collaboration
  • Cool jazz
Outstanding tracks:
Ojos de Ceniza
Lapetus l`uccello
Il Semi Affetto Degli Argonauti
Tiao Yue
Passo Torvo