- Experimentalism
- Electronic music
- Krautrock
- Motorik
- Experimental electro
- Minimal synth
- Avant-garde
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Take Pills Die. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Take Pills Die. Kuva kõik postitused
Take Pills – Consumer Drones (2005)
Rumored High Speed Rail Hub - 03.12.25 (2003)
/Experimental electronica, Avant-garde,
Ambient noise, IDM, Krautrock, Kosmische Musik, Glitch techno, Experimental
techno, Experimentalism/
this project with the strange name seems to be ahead of its time. It is
formally an indicator of the point at least, because the title of the album is 03.12.25. In fact, this 11-piece
composition has been issued in 2003 to provide meandering spaced-out landscapes
backed up by crunchy IDM-alike and glittery glitched out techno propulsions and
bass-heavy rumbling here and there. By considering the project`s intention to
be ahead of its time it is not incorrect at all. More concretely, there are up
many high-pitched synth sounds which used to chime in an overtly futuristic way
(for instance, Throw Up). Those brooding
synth lines on the top are to startle us by creating phantasmagorical imageries
and hyper-realistic associations in the listener`s mind. Is it an electronic
counterpart of progressive rock music? Furthermore, it is more close to 70s German
progressive music called Krautrock/Kosmische Musik (especially relating to such
artists as to Tangerine Dream, Ash Ra Tempel, and Klaus Schulze). For instance,
Dumpstered which sounds almost like
an example of space rock created by a stoned Terry Riley in the meantime. Might
it be that it comes out from the same branch of reflecting upon Angus Maclise`s
artistic endeavours in Nepal after the departure from the Velvet Underground?
Indeed, Stark offers up some clues to
be proven. The overall pattern of the outing is thought-shifting and
mind-provoking along with vivid changes in rhythmic structures and harmony
fabrics. Moreover, the issue`s coverprint used to resonate with the whole`s sound. In a word, let`s enjoy this fabulous item.
PA - 14.05.04 Thru (2014)
/Neo-krautrock, Kosmische Musik, New
Age, Psychedelic, Drone pop, Electronic, Mood music, Motorik, Ambient pop,
Experimental rock/
regarding the stylistic perception quite much has changed in heads of the
listeners since the times of 10 years or more ago. For instance, music which
was considered as “noise” (for instance, My Bloody Valentine, or Sonic Youth)
sounds quite poppy and common nowadays. Furthermore, for “krautrock” which was to denote something
very vanguard on its own, however, one branch of it coalesced into a more poppy
and soothing approach (more concretely, by handling such bands from a new wave
of the axis of Cologne-Dusseldorf as Tarwater, Kreidler, To Rococo Rot) and
Stereolab, Lali Puna, and Ladytron from elsewhere. Of course, it didn`t mean
these bands were somehow betrayers of the genre but it might be it was the only
way to create something new being influenced by the zeitgeist. However, today
the term “krautrock” and “noise” are so ambivalent because the seeds of the genres are spread out to
everywhere and can be found from almost any track regarding indie music (taken
up more or less consciously). The case of decadence, isn`t? Andrew Cauthen is an artist from Richmond,
Virginia, USA who has been producing music for more than a decade and being
loved by many listeners (just watch the downloading rates of his albums
at Archive.org). His sonic palette is being quite broad, though, gravitated
towards electronic music. The recent issue consists of 3 long-running
compositions which is tagged as "ambient", "IDM", "chillwave", "indie pop" among others. Indeed, all these stylistic elements are represented on the issue though
the main point focuses on minimalist motorik krautrock rhythms, sublime psychedelic droning
and spaced-out phasing and progressions reminding of Kosmische Musik-tinged synthesised
whiffs and blows and lingering chill out contortions. By its approach the music
reminds of such old artists as Neu!, Klaus Schulze, Tangerine Dream. Although the
album lacks guitars the issue rocks off in an indirect sense anyway. Get a glimpse upon it!
Take Pills Die - 08.01.18 Terrorist (2008)
/House, Noise, Ambient,
Experimental electronica, Leftfield, Alternative/
Comment: it is a loose
concept of electronic music providing the shelter for many styles and variations. There are experiments with intense electronic music, near noise and ambient
sounds, providing some stereo effects and on the other side Take Pills Die used to trudge
across the fields of house music. Indeed, it is highly interesting to hear how
the artist manipulates with different sounds and layers all of which used to
channelize into something blossoming and fertile. Behind this project hides himself Andrew Cauthen, a very prolific musician.
[Vana ning oluline] Take Pills Die 07.04.23 Dead Sea Parting (Take Pills Die)
Richmond`is resideeruv Andrew Julian Cauthen on produktiivne muusik, kes on reliisinud oma label`i all üle 90 albumi. Sotsiaalses plaanis väga kriitiliste ja radikaalsete vaadetega jänki muusikas - Take Pills Die on muideks ironiseeriv viide ühele tänapäeva elumotole/tüübile - võib tajuda paljusid elemente, kus põhituuma tinglikult moodustab happeliste sündisaundidega eksperimentaalne IDM.
Kolm aastat tagasi ilmavalgust näinud "07.04.23 Dead Sea Parting" on erand selles osas. 19-minutiline träkk (milles olevad pausid näivad vististi erinevatele osadele viitavat) on autori sõnul inspireeritud Stars of the Lid`ist (omalt poolt lisaksin veel teise, kaaslinlastest legendi Labradford`i mõjud). Vaikselt kulgev sümfooniline voog tõuseb-liugleb-langeb, kahaneb-paisub, jättes maha eepilised ja südantlõhestavad kontuurid. Helides on kuulda ka musique concrete`i põiminguid - mis on kooskõlas ameeriklase looduslähedaste vaadetega - ning kummituslikke, justkui kaugustest läbi udu kumavaid aurikusignaale. Cauthen oskab mängida helide ning kuulajaga - liblikatiiva löögi efekti kutsub käesoleva kuulamine esile, kuna üksikud helitehniliselt esilekutsutud mullistused-kollapsid raputavad massiivselt minimalistlikku kulgemist. Üks impressiivseimaid albumeid kaasaegse klassika-ämbiendi-drone`i konkreethelide ristumisalalt üleüldse.
Kuula albumit siit
Ambient drone,
Experimental electronic music,
Field recording,
Found sound,
Modern classical,
Musique concrete,
Take Pills Die
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