
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Test Tube. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Test Tube. Kuva kõik postitused


Daniel Maze + Dave Zeal – Blueprints For Insect Architecture (2011)

/Ambient, Experimental electronica, Hauntology, Dubstep, Noise, Crossover, Sampledelic/

Comment: it is quite hard to have a clear-cut definition pertaining of these 6 tracks, which are merely essential parts of Maze-Zeal`s second issue created in liaison with each other on Test Tube (a continuation to Small Airports EP). More profoundly, it is full of trash and hisses, delicate noiseful swerves, dubstep-like ghostly urban undulation, haunting jazz samples, penetrating electronic signals, all of that replaced sometimes with very floaty atmospheric layers to get the whole to be more variegated within its borders. In fact, all of that could be called as experimental ambient in corpore. Masterful!


Ceptual - Songs for the Sun (2011)

/Ambient, Experimental electronica, Hauntology, Organic electronica, Minimal/

Comment: Desmond Hollis aka Ceptual aka Palet aka Katrah-Quey aka A Sankip Hummad is definitely an exemplar of sort of genius. There are represented 14 tracks of ambient music which would be an affair of honour for every (experimental) musician by the past and now. More concretely, skipping snippets of guitar-based explorations are adhesively coated with haunting, ancient memories (in a physical approach!), heartbreaking melody threads, orchestrated sections and, at all, cohesive feeling of organic sense. All of that is wrapped up in dense hiss-relied mist (which is one of the most important aspects pertaining of ambient music a jot). However, this kind of accomplishment might be called as symphony either. Indeed, it is much more than our usual perception is keen to figure out for.


Gutta Percha - A Crawlspace Companion (2011)

/Ambient, Avant-garde, Sound art, Hauntology, Organic electronica, Dark ambient, Experimentalism, Noir, Musique concrète, Weird pop/

Comment: A Crawlspace Companion is the sophomore effort by the brothers Hibbett from Illinois, USA The 5-pieced set rings out as if an indicative approach of ambient music on getting aware of itself. However, it subsequently gets conscious of itself. It offers up warm yet haunting arcs of soundscapes being synergized with the samples from the scenes of ancient music and dark-hued orchestrated pieces. In fact, being adequately accented it evokes lots of memories with no certain addresses and hints at, however, reminding of the genuine works by James Kirby aka Caretaker. Just great.


Fescal - Into The Atmosphere (2011)

/Drone, Minimalism, Avant-garde, Dark ambient, Epic, Microtonal, Sound art, Soundscapes/

Comment: Fescal, a UK-born but now in the South Korea residing musician provides an astonishing set of 5 tracks relied on the profound explorations of droning soundscapes. Indeed, it is quite hard to realize out where reality could be distinguished from possible fictive vistas. As Fescal`s brand used to be to date, all is enveloped with a tight mass of tape hisses, making all the content ring out really subtle and organic. If to try to convert the recent impression into rock music and to find out the equivalent for it, however, it might be considered dream pop, for instance. In any cases, such kind of dreamscapes cannot be transcended upon the frames of time and space. It is rather a kind of mental level, though.


Ricardo Webbens Analog Mountains (2010)

Test Tube


/Ambient, Ambient noise, Sound-art, Microsound, Electro-acoustic, Experimental electronica/


Minimal States Liberty Hoax (Test Tube)

Thom Carter on laia ambitsiooni ja profiiliga muusik, kelle looming varieerub art-pop`ist ja elektroonilisest indie`st (March Rosetta), 60ndate psühhedeeliast mõjutatud indie folk`ist (Menhirs of Er Grah), atmosfäärilisest art pop/nu jazz-fusioonist (Hip Nothings - koos Blake Rhein`iga), nu soul/nu jazz-eksperimentidest (The Marsh Chapel Experiment - koos Salvador Cortizo`ga) kuni eksperimentaalproge/kosmische musik`i (Black Crown) ning ämbiendi ja subtle soundfields`ini (Minimal States) välja. Oxford`i mehe näol ei ole tegu demonstratiivse kameeleoniga, kes oleks otsustanud katsetada erinevate žanritega 1-5 loo piires, vaid enamusel eelpoolmainitud aliastest on vähemalt 3-4 reliisi väljas ja müügis. Võib küsida, et juhul kui tema kaaslinlastest superstaare nimega Radiohead tunnusmärgitsetakse popkameeleonidena, siis kuidas võiks veel laiema haardega Carter`it ennast nimetada?

"Liberty Hoax" on Minimal States`i 4 album sisuliselt ühe aasta jooksul. Triloogia teine album - esimene osa oli "Like A Photograph" (samuti Test Tube) - pakub välja ruumilise tähendusega metafoore indiviidi vabaduse sümboliseerimiseks. Digitaalne heliprotsessioon on suunatud ambient-maastikele. Lõpmatutena näivad, sügavad ning õhkõrna metalset tolmupuru õhkupaiskavad 8 taiest varieeruvad vähe, mis kohati omandavad abstraktsed mõõtmed (Revelations), millel ei näi sellesinatse aja ja ruumiga midagi ühist olevat (kuigi Carter`i enda sõnul peituvad konkreetsed helid siselinnas, äärelinna tühermaadel ja indiviidi sees). Need on põhimõtteliselt signaalid, mis otsivad teed punktist X punkti X1. Teisalt on ka soojemaid hetki (National Security) soft-süntesaatorite vahendusel, mis, tõsi, liiguvad liiga ambient-kultuurkihi keskele, muutudes seetõttu tüütuks ja venivaks. Avaloos Data Mining on õrnalt vibreeriv drone-element sees, mis annab träkile omaette väärtuse. 11-minutiline Come the Rain on mäng vaikuse, progressiooni ja vaikeluga, mille lahkmekoht loo keskpaigas on (hinge)ülendav. Siinkirjutaja lemmik on Memory Bank, mille pealtnäha jäise helgi all lõõmab leek. Lugu Ruins väärib oma nime - tundub tõesti, nagu hiiglaslikud metallkarkassid kukkunuks kaugustes kokku. December Orgy demonstreerib võimalikku maailma läbi düstoopse ja pessimistliku prisma (indiviidi vabaduste piiramine? Suure Venna tähelepanelik pilk?); Mass Graves omandab soojemaid toone, progresseerub, muutumata seejuures läilaks nagu National Security. Sugulushingedest soovitan sellele meistriteosele juurde kuulata slept.`i omanimelist debüütalbumit ning Caustic Reverie õõnsat helikunsti/düstoopbienti.

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