

Ceptual - Songs for the Sun (2011)

/Ambient, Experimental electronica, Hauntology, Organic electronica, Minimal/

Comment: Desmond Hollis aka Ceptual aka Palet aka Katrah-Quey aka A Sankip Hummad is definitely an exemplar of sort of genius. There are represented 14 tracks of ambient music which would be an affair of honour for every (experimental) musician by the past and now. More concretely, skipping snippets of guitar-based explorations are adhesively coated with haunting, ancient memories (in a physical approach!), heartbreaking melody threads, orchestrated sections and, at all, cohesive feeling of organic sense. All of that is wrapped up in dense hiss-relied mist (which is one of the most important aspects pertaining of ambient music a jot). However, this kind of accomplishment might be called as symphony either. Indeed, it is much more than our usual perception is keen to figure out for.