

Bear in Miniature – Lettres à une rose (2018)

  • Electronic 
  • Modern classical 
  • Epic 
  • Field recording 
  • Ambient 
  • Post-classical 
  • Art music 
  • Musique concréte 
  • Minimalism

Comment: this batch of 3 tracks composed by a Brazilian, Rafael Torres, represents itself through ethereal vowel effects and synthesised spherical string sections which have enough time and much space around to move on and provide different exquisite consummations for our pleasure. At times it is embellished with watery iterative piano chords and panned with suggestive concrete sounds which like a partial foundation on it constitute phat patterns in sound and tempo. In fact, the description of mine is way too linear, way too one-dimensional by let blotted out the true nature of this wondrous issue being released on Spheredelic Records. It is like using the second derivation (the words) to describe the first derivation (the music) on describing the beauty of the Nature. Far out! The opening track L'esprit de l'ange chimes like a series of still extracted from a lightning-spiked evening which is imbued with tangible sultriness and palpable dampness. The abovementioned iterative piano keys sound almost psychedelically and definitely ennoblingly at the same time thanks to the compelling groove within. Excelente!