

Tardiss - Thisistar (2013)


/Alternative, IDM, Indietronica, Epic, Downtempo, Electronic pop/

Comment: firstly, the title of the album is not "this is star" but "this is tar" instead of it. What does it mean actually? Does it mean something noisome, unpleasant odor or something like that? Actually not. It is just play on words because this 11-track issue is composed of soothing electronic terrains, droning synth chords, beatific epic rises, slowly running rhythms expelled somewhere in between IDM and downtempo-moulded territories. On the other side, it is an instance of indie music either due to the possibility to juxtapose with the aesthetics of an abundant wave of Germany based indietronica/neokrautrock collectives surfaced in the 90s (Kreidler, Tarwater, Pluramon, Pluramon, Rococo Rot, Notwist, Lali Puna, Mina etc). And without any questions there is a logical thread between this US-based artist and other No-Source related artists either. You just can feel it by listening to it. Furthermore, by regarding those epic and at times longing rises mentioned above I hope the listener can perceive those Americana induced exuberant humming therefore conveying the soft tissue for those more skeletal elements. To summarize, it is fine contemporary pop music professionally accentuated and arranged.