/Industrial, Avant-garde, Dystopbient, Minimal, Noise, Experimentalism, Ambient noise, Non-music/
Comment: as you know the music history has permanently been the field for weird musical ideas and outlooks to be appeared and poisoned the mainstream correctitude. If you are listening for to get impressed by the sonic whirlwinds and bleak landscapes of LFC you will perceive the impact of 70`s nihilistic industrial music for sure. More detailly, behind this 10-track set you can see the destructive and constructive power units simultaneously. For instance, at times you can detect for the seeds of The Art Of Noises manifesto, declared by Luigi Russolo, one of the forefathers of the contemporary noise and electronic music. LFC takes up so seriously that all its sonic structure is incessantly bumping and shaking. In conclusion, the whole is heavily appealing for sure. In a nutshell, dystopian wastelands are waiting for your listening times.