John Praw - John Praw (2011)
/Ambient, Post-rock, Soundscape, Minimal, Modern classical, Experimental electronica, Crosover, Dark ambient/
Comment: This is the debut album by a musician previously known as [praw] and who founded the Mine All Mine Records. However, his concept is revealed through 10 tracks recorded in 2006-2011 in Wisconsin and in Norway. The basis of the album relies on a kind of refined atmosphericness running mainly on the ambient mode, beyond it recruiting the elements from the realm of post-rock and modern classical as well. Praw is skillful enough for playing up the counterparts of diverse sonic elements against each other - all those blissfully light-hearted sounds are filtrated through the dark-hued zones. However, there can admit some exceptions either - for instance, the starting track Vokaler watches for such progressions as similar to Sigur Ròs or På Jakttur is a sort of the Kraftwerkian dream set up on the rule of ambient music. In most cases, Praw`s result can be compared to the ones by Mark Nelson aka Pan American.