Zloty Dawai - Torso Apart (2011)
/Improvised music, Psychedelic, Free jazz, Noise, Avant-garde, Experimentalism/
Comment: there are represented a handful of (long-running) improvisations, conjuring up lots of noises and dust comprised of (electronic) sonic effects, downbeat basslines, splashing and squeaking strings. All these endeavours are performed as live recorded snippets allowing the air to react with composed sounds. Stylistically the whole veers away from electro-acoustic noise and free jazz outlets to spoken word-prevailing progressions and spacey, acute electronic effect/noise-filled appearances. Ultimately, everyone who is used to be keen to improvised music could find something from within it for him/herself. ZD is a Cologne-based combo involving 5 musicians. Torso Apart is a follow-up to their Teleopsis Belzebuth (2005), and Dada Work Chant (2006) all these albums have been issued on WM Recordings.