girlhood - girlhood (2010)
/Tracker music, Electro pop, Chiptune, Post-dance, Weird, Psychedelic dance, Shoegaze, DIY, Crossover, Glo-fi, Alternative dance, Bedroom pop, Experimental pop/
Comment: this 8-pieced album represents the best qualitative and even most unexpected sides of the music popping out from the CLLCT collective. Stylistically it comes forth as the kind of patchwork revealing a penchant for gentle, blissed-out electronica, jagged 8-bit/tracker rhythms, blindfold yet exalting electro pop (which does have acquired the best subleties of the contemporary disco music), and trash-coated shoegaze contemplation. All those kinds of styles and sounds and melody/and harmony hooks are masterfully balanced and collected to here what everybody needs apparently for to be in an ecstatic sense of innocent joy. Indeed, it is almost perfect in its imperfection.