

Sensorama 19-81 – Retrato un desconocido (2008)

  • Art rock 
  • Indie rock 
  • Alternative rock 
  • Progressive rock 
  • Epic 
  • Avant-prog 
  • Avant-rock 
  • Electronic 
  • Experimental rock

Comment: Sensorama 19-81 is the project of the Chilean musician Rafael Casanova whose 12-track issue is a mellifluous love affair of indie/alternative rock with art and progressive rock chips. More profoundly, it does conjure up lots of lofty developments and uncanny sonic explorations from exuberant chamber music panning and elaborate and almost frenetic spoken word snippets to more familiar rock structures. However, as usual, being bound with one another those weird aspects used fortunately to be predominant and to be remembered. And if the familiar ones will appear then these moments are multilayered and profound enough to provide captivating sensations. Indeed, I have to praise the artist for producing such vivid and flourishing soundscapes. Once the term progressive rock was a depreciatory one especially being condemned by many punks. However, this patchwork by attitude is more punk than most punk albums, especially today when many punk ensembles are the kind of caricature just having a bit in common with the genuine ideas of the subgenre. All in all, it is fascinating.

The Bordellos – The Underground Tape Vol. 11 (2018)

  • Indie rock 
  • Alternative rock 
  • Lo-fi 
  • DIY 
  • Garage rock 
  • Folk rock

Comment: similarly to most of the UK-based The Bordellos' previous issues it is a mushy one veering away from awkward littery balladry to more impetuous and twitchy garage rock gears with some hints at hirsute Americana, and folk rock. In truth, post-punk has also been a main fare in their menu though it is not the recent case. Just getting together on weekends to have some beers and chin music and thereafter improvise some tracks at their own disposal. Sounds like fun. Despite some slightly adverse adjectives mentioned above The Bordellos provide examples of inner flaring which in fact are catchy. However, the favourites of mine are such releases as Gary Glitter EP, How To Lose Friends And Influence No-One, and The Bordellos Underground Tape 10.

Swain – The Single (2004)

  • Indietronica 
  • Electronic music 
  • Post-rock 
  • Experimental pop 
  • Alternative 
  • Lo-fi 
  • DIY 
  • Art pop 
  • Indie

Comment: this batch of 12 tracks came out under such imprint as Imaginary Albums in 2004 which had been releasing the records in the 00s being a dwelling place for DIY and lo-fi music. It embraced such artists as The Harvey Girls, Santa Inferno, Hubre, Procrustes, Tiny Creatures, C.J Pizarro among others. The Swain's issue which was the first nod in the discography of the label is multifaceted due to disparate dodges though the main base of it is delineated as electronic with intention to create an indie tinged stuff. From littery electronic shuffling to more laid-back and thoughtful glimpses with steady electronic layers and blissful glockenspiel induced chord leads which frequently remind of Tortoise, for example. Indeed, the listener can hear jazzy undercurrents regarding those rambling and clattering drums here and there (the best example is Synapsis). Indeed, the construction of some tracks is progressive and artsy with stepwise yet artistically overcoming effects ultimately. Fine stuff.


[Teaser of the day] Tree No Leaves - Ghost Town Rider

  • Psych-rock
  • Indie rock
  • Progressive rock
  • Alternative rock

Release: Sleepy Shakti
Label: Self-released/Bandcamp
Year: 2014

[Teaser of the day] Asher - V

  • Modern classical
  • Experimentalism
  • Contemporary classical
  • Piano music
  • Art music
  • Avant-garde

Artist: Asher
Release: Perpetuals
Label: Con-v
Year: 2015

[Teaser of the day] Victor Jouk - Disco Night - Omega

  • Electro pop
  • Electronic music
  • Kosmische Musik
  • Experimental electro

Artist: Victor Jouk
Release: Cosmic Voyager
Label: Haze
Year: 2016

[Teaser of the day] Caïman Nain - Too Early

  • Synth-punk
  • Art punk
  • Alternative
  • Cyber punk
  • Electro-punk

ArtistCaïman Nain
Release: Cassette
Year: 2011 

Ryonkt – Sea (2007)

  • Drone 
  • Abstract 
  • Minimalism 
  • Avant-garde 
  • Ambient 
  • Epic 
  • Electronic music 
  • Ambient drone

Comment: Ryonkt is a Sapporo, Japan-based Ryo Nakata born in 1984. He is being known due to his tenures to such imprints as Audiotalaia, Resting Bell, Dog Eared Records, Hibernate, Noise-Joy, Smallfish, Experimedia and some other ones. I have recently listened to some shows having spot on contemporaneous alternative pop/rock/indie/electronic music but I have to admit most of it chimes like listening to infantile poppy nonsense because it is so dull, sterile, predictable and hollow. By employing technological richness without spawned with poignant ideas. Ryonkt`s Sea sounds like a weirdly flourishing symphony, serious music if to juxtapose it with aforementioned ones. The one and only genuine stuff comes mostly through Bandcamp, web-labels, and underground labels today. Nuff said, however. I am not wondering anymore why the sales under the gigantic imprints drop down and at Bandcamp it will be rising up. These 928 seconds are indeed a contemporary counterpart of symphonic music through those descending and epically ascending droning oscillations which at times become freezing at one point like a refined reflection of still life. Doubly refined. In classical sense, it is tuneless yet there are somehow magnetising elements or inner synergy between sonic particles of the drone to conjure up a similarly overcoming and uplifting feeling. The mesmerising issue is a part of the discography of Noise-Joy.


Herzliyya Boardwalk String Sextet – Godzilla´s In The East (1989/2018)

  • Improvised music 
  • Freeformfreakout 
  • Abstract 
  • Improvised noise 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Avant-garde

Comment: this release is twofold consisting of compositions both longer than 22 minutes. Behind the issue is the Israeli/Jewish Joseph Copolovich whose sound is built upon smithereens-alike noises, intermittent concrete sounds, tectonic bass rumbling and much more I am not able to describe it for though. I am tempted to find out a possible location for this release but I am not allowed to do it. Undoubtedly it is crushing and crashing as if the aforementioned elements were put into some kind of virtual washing machine and then all the produced audible debris taken out from within it and put gravitating toward comprehensible centres (read: human beings). Of course, one can imagine an even more funny-tragic mixed event when some amateurish kabbalist were demolished under the curse because of his/her falsely chosen words. Getting knocked down by the Golem. The question is whether is the music positively or negatively appreciated? For me, it is quite neutral by listening experience because of being the abstract strip yet by historical importance it is a positive cut. We know a little about Israeli noiseniks except Dror Feiler who though has been living in Sweden for a while. The release was initially released in 1989 and now it is picked up by Don Campau`s The Living Archive of Underground Music.

[Teaser of the day] Echo Chamber Rope Trick - Hallo Jam

  • Psych-rock
  • DIY
  • Improvised music
  • Alternative rock
  • Lo-fi

Artist: Echo Chamber Rope Trick
Year: 2018