- Drone
- Abstract
- Minimalism
- Avant-garde
- Ambient
- Epic
- Electronic music
- Ambient drone
Comment: Ryonkt
is a Sapporo, Japan-based Ryo Nakata born in 1984. He is being known
due to his tenures to such imprints as Audiotalaia, Resting Bell, Dog
Eared Records, Hibernate, Noise-Joy, Smallfish, Experimedia and some
other ones. I have recently listened to some shows having spot on
contemporaneous alternative pop/rock/indie/electronic music but I
have to admit most of it chimes like listening to infantile poppy
nonsense because it is so dull, sterile, predictable and hollow. By employing
technological richness without spawned with poignant ideas. Ryonkt`s
Sea sounds like a weirdly flourishing symphony, serious music if to juxtapose it
with aforementioned ones. The one and only genuine stuff comes mostly
through Bandcamp, web-labels, and underground labels today. Nuff
said, however. I am not wondering anymore why the sales under the gigantic imprints drop down and at Bandcamp it will be rising up. These 928 seconds are indeed a contemporary
counterpart of symphonic music through those descending and epically
ascending droning oscillations which at times become freezing at one
point like a refined reflection of still life. Doubly refined. In
classical sense, it is tuneless yet there are somehow magnetising
elements or inner synergy between sonic particles of the drone to
conjure up a similarly overcoming and uplifting feeling. The
mesmerising issue is a part of the discography of Noise-Joy.