

[Teaser of the day] Ergo Phizmiz - Mr Punch Finds a Machine Gun

  • Sound collage
  • Electronic music
  • Leftfield
  • DIY
  • Sampledelic
  • Experimental electronica
  • Post-psychedelic electronica

Artist: Ergo Phizmiz
Release: DIK DOK
Year: 2013

[Teaser of the day] NO NITZ - Noisila No. II

  • Experimentalism
  • Avant-garde
  • Electronic music
  • Non-music
  • Improvised noise
  • Dada music
  • Old school industrial

Artist: No NITZ
Release: Conversation
Year: 2018

Gozne – Fin del Tiempo (2017)

  • Kraut-techno 
  • Motorik 
  • Minimal techno 
  • Electronic music 
  • Techno pop 
  • Ambient 
  • Deep techno 
  • Electro-acoustic 
  • Drone

Comment: these 8 tracks clocking in at a 46 minute are set up to provide an example of techno music at the artist`s own disposal. The main instrument is a thick bass line which is arranged in different forms and through different frequencies. It reminds of the era when Kraftwerk intended to shift from guitars, a flute, an organ and the drums mixed experimental rock format into an overtly synthetic apparition (by denoting such outings as Ralf und Florian (1973), and Autobahn (1974)). Undoubtedly Gozne`s motorik impresses me because if you have grown up or at a time rejected other styles by listening to Faust, Neu!, and early Kraftwerk this profound motorik trace is put deeply into your perception. It is not only hypnotic, it is transcendental because it is seminal all the time - in other words - it is ahead of its time. It is proud, it is reluctant, it is self-confident because its value is distinctly delineated in the history of pop music. And as you can see by the recent case the influence continues to grow further. Of course, while talking about and trying to understand the contemporaneous filter should be added in between to get a proper comprehension. At Fin del Tiempo the listener can hear different variations of it – stubborn techno pop at EL FIN (Ez. 7.2); TIERRA NUEVA (Ap. 21.1) is the most disorienting composition within it due to those squeaking-squealing concrete sounds as if coming outside your headphones, from the street or as if someone is ringing the doorbell of your apartment. So I took away the headphones to make difference… . Secondly, it is an exuberant, undulatory ambient track and because of it being distinctive from the rest. In truth, the opening track EL HADES (Ap. 20.14) is quite similar thanks to those high-pitched yet lone electronic chords atop space-y droning. By its form it is rather an example of electro-acoustic music. This impressive brace of tracks is a part of the discography of Pueblo Nuevo. Both of them are the Chilean ones.


[Teaser of the day] Yuko Ikoma - Prestidigitateur Chinois

  • Toytronica
  • Art pop
  • Electronic music
  • Conceptual
  • Alternative

Artist: Yuko Ikoma
Year: 2008

[Teaser of the day] Azureflux - Waves

  • Bitpop
  • Electronic music
  • Chipbreak
  • Tracker music
  • Chiptune
  • Nintendocore

Artist: Azureflux
Release: Bit Pops
Label: enoughrecords/Jamendo/Bandcamp/Free Music Archive
Year: 2018

Muhr – Nod Your Head Don't (2014)

  • Mash-up 
  • Sound collage 
  • Mixtape 
  • Hip-hop 
  • Rap 
  • Electronic music 
  • Remixes

Comment: it is quite surprising to find Vincent Fugère is such position to introduce his new beginning. It is miles away from previous doings, far away from exquisite electronic music, vivid post-rock, and hazily borderline modern classical music. Yeah, this mixtape based on 35 minutes consists of hip-hop beats, rap rhymes, thick bass lines, abrasive sonic progressions and sprawling electronic spaces. Propulsive moments are variegated with more laid-back, even dreamy glimpses and thereof creating a dynamic feel of deliverance throughout the course. Additionally to his own oeuvre he employs other artists` music like Jay Z, Arvo Pärt, Millimetrik, GY!BE, Dinah Washington, Julie London, and Max Richter. In these cases the Montrèal-based artist edits or remixes them. All in all, it is a creditable introduction toward a new future.


[Teaser of the day] Herzog - Bellwether iii


  • Musique concrète
  • IDM
  • Ambient techno
  • Microtechno
  • Glitch-techno
  • Electronic music

Artist: Herzog
Label: Serein
Year:  2005

Jessica Worms – R I S E (2017)

  • Punk rock 
  • Art punk
  • Speed metal 
  • Hardcore

Comment: Jessica Worms is not a physical woman in reality because behind it are two men, Gregory Debaco (voice, guitars), and Lincoln Tomazzoni (the drums) who demonstrate one quite ideal way of how punk should be interpreted and showcased. In truth, there is a woman on the sleeve but it is the embodiment of the devil. Lots of key chords, powerful yet vivid guitar riffs, low frequencies, and intense drumming, and all the aforementioned elements are channelized adeptly into a synergistic whole. The permanent whirlpool around the listener's brain. The 6-track album was recorded in Brazil under the Brazilian imprint Contrabandeando Discos and the US-based imprint Death Roots Syndicate. The Stooges, Motörhead are those introducing ghosts at the threshold. The really surprising and exceptional track is the starting one, Pipeline (Jaguara Thunders Versão), thought for the surfboarding people in the first place. All in all, it is an honest, convincing and creditable record, I guess an additional value may be gotten from a live session.

Thrust Pomp – Very Cool Party (2016)

  • Rave music 
  • Electronic music 
  • Hardstep

Comment: in some sense, this 4-notch outing sounds like a mocking caricature of such styles as rave, acid house, and acid techno. First of all, the set consists nominatively of such parts as Awesome Sex Party, Roaring Dirty Party, Extremely Nice Party, and Truly Marvellous Party. I recently watched a quite infantile, clichè-ridden, smartass citations-stuffed motion picture called Friends with Benefits (2011) and this issue would suitably have been a proper soundtrack for the film if Mila Kunis were replaced by some thematically relevant "actresses" like Erika B. or Simona V. and Justin Timberland could have much more fun in the alternative case. Heavily thumping rhythms are overdriven by electro progressions as if the depiction of a heavy... at different angles. More actions and less words. Less verbal onanism. The suggestively seedy release is produced by Vziel, and released on 20kbps imprint.

[Teaser of the day] Turning Torso - Glossolalia

  • Electronic music
  • Dubtronica
  • Alternative
  • Glitch dub
  • Experimental electronica

Artist: Turning Torso
Release: Xenoglosia
Label: Self-released/Bandcamp
Year: 2017