- Punk rock
- Art punk
- Speed
- Hardcore
Jessica Worms is not a physical woman in reality because behind it
are two men, Gregory Debaco (voice, guitars), and Lincoln Tomazzoni
(the drums) who demonstrate one quite ideal way of how punk should be
interpreted and showcased. In truth, there is a woman on the sleeve
but it is the embodiment of the devil. Lots of key chords, powerful
yet vivid guitar riffs, low frequencies, and intense drumming, and
all the aforementioned elements are channelized adeptly into a
synergistic whole. The permanent whirlpool around the listener's
brain. The 6-track album was recorded in Brazil under the Brazilian
imprint Contrabandeando Discos and the US-based imprint Death Roots
Syndicate. The Stooges, Motörhead are those introducing ghosts at
the threshold. The really surprising and exceptional track is the
starting one,
Pipeline (Jaguara Thunders Versão), thought for
the surfboarding people in the first place. All in all, it is an
honest, convincing and creditable record, I guess an additional value
may be gotten from a live session.