Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Shi-fi. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Shi-fi. Kuva kõik postitused
SLUTEVER Sorry I`m Not Sorry (Bandcamp)
By speaking of contemporary girl power in music, you can not bypass The Slits, a British band which sounded as the female counterpart to the Public Image Limited (or was it the other way round, though), blending intensely punk, dub, and dance rhythms. In addition to it not much weeks have passed by since their frontwoman Ari Up (Arianne Foster) was passed away.
The legend is gone, but certain sonic patterns and traditions are left behind. One example of such artistical and rebellious bands is definitely Slutever, a duo from Philadelphia. Nicole Gagliardi, and Rachel Snyder has already won the attention of the press and had a couple of gigs with the Best Coast, and Cults. Behind the music the more surprising fact is that the rest of their life do consist of watching TV (because of reflecting the American Dream at the rate of 90%), and school attendance.
Why their 6 tracks album is used to be a significant one? In the first place, redoubtably rough sonic linearity (noisy guitars, garage sound (in fact, recorded in a bathroom and bedrooms), shrill vocals, whistling feedback, permanent energic overdrive; secondly, the lyrics reflecting the carelessness, selfishness, lack of love, but also searching for it and avoiding of it and the longing for dirty teenage sex. This kind of sound is used to be tagged as shitgaze/shi-fi, and the first part of the word is referred as well. My favorite track is So Prone, with dreamy background and cellophanic guitar sound. This is a kind of release which especially will decorate your first half of a day.
Listen to it here
SLUTEVER Sorry I`m Not Sorry (Bandcamp)
Rääkides girl power`ist muusikas, siis ei saa märkimata jätta, et üleeile suri Ari Up (Arianne Foster), legendaarse post-punk-ansambli The Slits vokalistist liider, 48-aastaselt vähki. Alul eranditult naistest ning hiljem peaaegu naistest koosnenud punt segas punk`i, reggae`t ja dub`i ning avangardi, kõlades kui Public Image Limited`i femiinne ekvivalent (või vastupidi).
Legend on lahkunud, kuid märk on maha jäetud. Üheks turmleva (nais)traditsiooni edaskandjaks on kindlasti Slutever, duo Philadelphiast. Rachel Gagliardi ja Nicole Snyder on juba pressi tähelepanu võitnud ning esinenud paar korda koos Best Coast`i ja Cults`iga. Ülejäänud elu koosneb telekavahtimisest ("sealt peegelduvat 90% ulatuses vastu American Dream") ja kooliskäimisest.
Nende 6-looline debüüt on kahtlemata märkimisväärne. Esiteks - akuutne sirgjoonelisus (toored kitarrid, garaažisaund (tegelikult vanni- ja magamistoasaund), kiunuv vokaal, vilisev fiidbäkk, permanentne energiadraiv), teiseks laulutekstid, mis käsitlevad hoolimatust, egoismi; armastuse puudumist, selle vältimist ja otsimist ning ka igatsust räpase tiinekakiimluse järele. Seesugust saundi nimetatakse shitgaze/shi-fi`ks ning esimesele poolele ka sõna-sõnaliselt vihjatakse. Personaalseks lemmikuks on unistusliku fooni ning tsellofaanse kitarrisaundiga So Prone. Eriti päeva esimest poolt kaunistav kuulamine.
Kuula albumit siit
Alternative rock,
Garage indie,
Garage rock,
Grrls riot,
Postitused (Atom)