- Modern classical
- Post-classical
- Ambient
- Electronic
- Crossover
- Art music
- Soundscape
- Glitchtronica
- Piano music
- Experimental electronica
Comment: this
set of 10 tracks is something beyond everyday life. By principle, the
art is something by standing immensely higher than just solving the
main needs like food, water, and shelter on Maslow's hierarchy of
needs. Of course, more refined needs in the hierarchy like
self-transcendence are actually related to it as well. A musical (or
the other kind of acts of the art) act as an ultimate goal to be
created which is much bigger than life of its creator because it will
have been lasting (after his/her life as well). It is as a goal, not
having value as an instrumental event. Moreover, the creative act is
something which parallels the human being to God (as the ultimate,
pure creator). Because of that any creative act is highly religious.
Furthermore, the artist fosters your dreams and reflects upon your
wishes through minimally progressing noises, throbbing electronic
circulations and static electricity. It used to provoke and soothe,
at times simultaneously, at times separately and subsequently. In any
cases, the moment at a time is the most important thing on it.
Undoubtedly all the glimpses will get the attention. Partially you
hear lofty piano chords to create atmospheric spaces and
hyper-realistic beauty to disintegrate the listener into it, at times
electronic music driven maelstrom-alike threads conquer the
soundscape. It chimes and has an impact upon the listener is such a
way as if the artist from Japan could have taken a malfunctioning
electronic device and broken piano to produce something
thought-provoking and emotionally enchanting at the same time. Where
is your very huge ego to be left aside during enjoying that
masterpiece? Are you not able to find it out anymore? That's good.
And there is the answer of why this issue stands beyond one's stress
eaten life. An outstanding issue in the year of 2018.