

Bruno de Vincenti - Jorge Castro (Fisternni) - Vlisa (2017)

  • Electronic music 
  • Minimal techno 
  • Deep techno 
  • Improvised music
  • Alternative

Comment: these 894 seconds are imbued with sultry magic supposedly thought for consuming at the midnight though in fact it works out at any time of the day. It is a collaborative act between three Argentinian musicians wherein you can perceive minimally sequenced rhythmic structures and synthesised pads with sublime voices and fragile glitched-out bits. It can be said one is probably not able to discern the final part and the finishing part of the composition especially if you have been listening to it endlessly in a row. All of that seems to fade into each other seamlessly, it is like an aural shape of the perfect geometrical element as the ring. It is an astounding sci-fi lullaby for your uneasy spans to fall finally asleep. The issue is a part of the discography of the Chilean imprint Pueblo Nuevo. There is a big chance to meet it sometime at the end of the year again at least at Recent Music Heroes.