

Captains Of Sea And War – Captains Of Sea And War (2016)

  • Alternative rock 
  • Indie rock 
  • Power pop 
  • Art rock 
  • Post-rock

Comment: it is always great pleasure to arrive at the discography of the Nethelands-based imprint 2419 Record Label due to the quality and diversity of aesthetics. In fact, you will never know what is the next turn in sound you while picking up on the discography nonetheless the issues are described with some hinting tags. For instance, the last outings being reviewed at Recent Music Heroes Basnie`s Les Pays-Bas (2008) was a haunting yet stupefying blend of spoken words, electronic music, post-classical progressions, tango, found sounds, drone pop, which in turn was imbued with a retro-futurist sensation. Tunnelbird`s Hohner Sessions (2015) takes up on blues influenced psychedelic garage rock with hints at raga and acid rock. However, with regard to the first named issue the recent issue is a starkly disparate case because of getting a booty by riding on the guitars and drums which at times are complemented by by hoarse, tortured, and softened vocals by the occasions and recherché keyboard stumbles. More profoundly, those eight alternative rock and post-rock and art rock drenched numbers from Barcelona, Catalonia used to swing between loud and lofty riffs and more restrained strums being at times converted into a blissful still life. By the way, the release will be finished off by a mellow acoustic ballad. In a word, the collaboration by Gerard Gual, Jose Martinez, David Montón and Àlex Garcia places it into a column of other solid releases of 2419 Record Label.