

SAD - Crystal Faces (2011)

  • Breakcore
  • Electro pop
  • Alternative dance
  • Deep house
  • Synth pop
Comment: by analysing the coverprint of this 3-notch issue you might presume of this music to be something fairly infantile and done with toys, for instance. However, the result is an example of great electro propulsions with chopped vocals and hovering atmospheric synth lines. By considering the coverprint once more one might assume something playfulness within it and he/she is not wrong altogether. As we know very well the puerility and playfulness often used to stick together. The second track Hipnolist involves synth pop frequencies to be added to crunchy electro cadences. Marvin is even more one step farther because of recruiting sublimely bouncing house-y vibes and softened vocals to the mix. Who could expect that after listening to the first a couple of compositions? In fact, the kind of versatility is the privilege of accomplished artists. Indeed, the result clocking in at a 21 minute is fascinatingly filled with pleasant surprises and sustainable threads. The issue is a par tof the discography of Ruzzinet.