- Hip-hop
- Sampledelic
- Cut and paste
- Soul-hop
- Cinematic
- Breaks
- Urban music
- Sound collage
Comment: although this issue of 11 fragments is a
short-running one clocking in at a 14 minute the result is at times exceedingly
amusing. For instance, the opening piece Tradition
starts off with a funny music hall vignette and cut-up beats and somewhat
buried yet funny vowel expressions. However, later on, the music by the
Canadian producer Josef Blo used to evolve into soulful progressions and even
cinematic flickers which are reached by exploiting heavily sampling and cut and
splice technique. It embraces a bunch of scratches, broken beats and hovering
synthetic sounds and orchestrated parts all of them being fondly spliced and
reiterated thereby representing the cut and paste/sound collage music rather
than the pop-oriented product. On the other side, it does not mean it is
nothing to do with poppy music – for instance, listen to Get Stoned and indeed, you get stoned due to those beatific
harmonic movements and synergy between different elements. In a word, grab this
album from a pre-eminent jazz/soul/hip-hop/broken beats/sampledelic music
imprint, called Dusted Wax Kingdom.