

Marta Zapparoli - Codex (2012)


/Musique concrète, Sound art, Avant-industrial, Noise, Drone, Psycho-acoustic, Ambient noise, Experimentalism, Crossover, Avant-garde/

Comment: I do have no hesitation to give to this 4-track album high points. More profoundly, it is enough interesting and intricate involving the huge scope of sounds which in turn used to balance in between more or less noiseful concrete sounds and treated sonic manipulations or on the other side providing a depiction of aggressive fight between the human kind and nature (which, of course, will ultimately be ended up with the defeat of the human being). Some abstract industrial rhythm throbs, mechanical drones and buzzes, intensive hiss washes are up there to create strong contrast within the soundscape. While having had a trip In East Europe she recorded natural sounds in different locations over there. A soundtrack for "eco-terrorists", for instance.