Sea Office - Freon (2011)
/Psycho-acoustic, Acousmatics, Improvised music, Freak folk, Sound collage, Lobit, Weird, Experimentalism/
Comment: there are up five barely distinguishable outlets by Sea Office (also known as Lockbox) a 17-year-old native from Denver mixing up concrete sounds, accidental spoken word snippets, dirty kind of ambient, and a shitloads of sampled minutiae. Above the intertwined stuff you can hear either piano chords or guitar twangs overdriving it. In a nutshell, it is a spontaneous and clouded psychotic output which, furthermore, can be considered as a gap between improvised music and plain arrangements (of course, in the experimental sense of this word). If to compare it with someone I recommend to listen to Uberlulu (indeed, their only album under 20kbps), or some stuff in the list of the cult Bob Chaos Records.