Gel-Sol - Gel-Sol's Adventures Beyond the Plunderworld (2009)
/Plunderphonics, Sound collage, Conceptual, Cut and paste, Humour, Experimentalism, Spoken word, Non-music/
Comment: there is just one, 27-minute progression spoken word? radio play? Never mind, what ever it could be but it is intricate in its intense turn of samples and snippets which is filled with blue jokes, amusing bits from ancient movies, farting, kung fu fighting, fit of angers and immense using of foul language (keep it listening far away from children!). Andrew Reichel created this publication with over 7 years of collected samples. Of course, such kind of release was not the first composition and will not be the last one undoubtedly. If to check it out toward the past I can remember for Cassetteboy`s adventures either.