/Mash-up, Plunderphonics, Sound collage, Cut and paste, Avant-garde, Non music, Freeformfreakout/
Comment: This is as frenzied and wild as the mash-up/bastard pop/plunderphonics could be ever. There are 8 tracks, every of them can be classified as a single universe on its own (those relatively long running tracks used to contain bulks of incalculable cut-ups and relentless turnarounds and numerous shifts regarding the structure and mood) making up a connection between lettrist/situationist dètournement conceptions, ravecore, DIY culture, breakcore, speedcore, digicore, glitchcore, noise, pitchcore and (of course) samplecore. Indeed, besides being throughout all the course in extremely skidding-skipping position the whole shows up itself like a vast reference or quotation on its own.