Pimpollo Fenicio & Pimpollo Persa - Música para Niños Leones (2011)
/Noise, Drone, Sound art, Microtonal, Avant-garde, Experimentalism, Minimalism, Non music/
Comment: "Noise", however, regarding strictly the sound processing is a somehow self-indulgent definition for itself. Indeed, having a hint at the lacking of any kind of borders encircling it, thereby you can see very diverse directions and levels and quality base in this realm so all of that will subsequently be determined on your profound intuition actually (in fact, how to discern it from such styles as sound art, drone, minimal industrial?). Of course, there might be represented some qualities somewhat "intrinsic" to the noise sound, for instance, harsh and very loud sounds, chopped and pitched sonic elements, hooting skeletons and hiss-based undercurrents. All of that is represented on this album of 9 tracks, moreover showing up the inclination toward an arty concept flirting with obscure drone-relied minimalism/microtonalism, and emotive sound art. By the way, this mesmerizing concept comes from Lima, Peru.