

Dadala – With Brass-Lines (2015)

/Free jazz, Avant-jazz, Improvised music, Experimentalism, Electronic jazz, Modal jazz, Cool jazz/

Comment: RDunlop, Loopy C, Frank Dunlap,and Johann Meier and their collaborators continue to trudge across shaky way of experimental/improvised music. Firstly, indeed, their narrative is distinctly subjected to experimental/cutting edge algorithms, on the other side, the players are empowered with wide-scale skills and comprehension to bring forth their ability to interweave with each other beyond their craftiness to convey their own catchy solos and lead motives. In true, throughout the course of a handful of tracks you cannot feel the sense of irrelevance or lack of sensibility in your limbs and cerebral area. Basically, it continues to perpetuate the kind of modal/free jazz and cool jazz amalgamation initiated by John Coltrane, and Miles for many decades ago. Of course, Dadala`s soundscape is slightly more modern, I mean, more phantasmagorical with regard to many electronic rushes and dodges to back up airy woodwind induced conjurations. In a word, it is the dignified follow-up to their previous issue With Erocnet 2.