

[Teaser of the day] The Fucked Up Beat - Trypanosomiasis (Our Drones Sent From Heaven)

  • Dreamwave
  • Avant-garde
  • Hauntology
  • Chillstep
  • Sampledelic
  • Ambient
  • Experimentalism
  • Electronic music

Year: 2014


Failure Circle ‎– Frozen Clinamen #1 (2018)

  • Avant-garde 
  • Noise 
  • Psycho-acoustic 
  • Minimalism 
  • Experimentalism 
  • Non-music 
  • Abstract

Comment: previously I have said many words about noise music. Noise is something which arouses my mind. It is like a wicked desire to get involved in the life of strangers, in the life of machines in this case. What the machines used to say, what is their singular way to perceive other artefacts and subjects around them. Yet, their singular language may be indecipherable because of consisting of highly galvanized voltage, uncountable chains of broken chords, anonymous hisses and hazy penumbras. Kecap Tuyul aka Failure Circle`s 63-minute track/album embraces all those interrupted chains and disturbed phase changes getting power from every day life`s suppressed anxiety. The machines are created by the human being yet the more a human being gets subjugated to the artificial satellite, the more he/she will be enslaved by it. A history of the human being can be viewed as the coexistence of the aforementioned ones. Could you get rid of this addictive relationship given that the machines help you outdo (I mean, forget) your own mortality. You meet Grim Reaper with a motorised scythe. The throbbing sonic issue is a part of the discography of Eg0cide Productions.


[Teaser of the day] Wings Of An Angel - No Sustainable Civil State Can Be Founded Upon Shamefully Corrupted Values, Whereas Its Bloodthirsty Killers Are Made Public Heroes And Its High-End Intellectual Peak Points Are To Be Found In Cannibalistic Love Songs And An Exceedingly Distraught Narrativ

  • Avant-garde
  • Modern classical
  • Chamber music
  • Art music
  • Post-classical

Label: Self-released/Bandcamp
Year: 2018

[Teaser of the day] Nanaki - Enzuigiri

  • Art rock
  • Post-metal
  • Post-rock
  • Epic
  • Alternative rock
  • Indie rock

Artist: Nanaki
Release: Absence 
Label: Small Bear
Year: 2018

[Teaser of the day] Animal Collective - Kids On Holiday

  • Electronic
  • Indie
  • Post-psychedelic electronica
  • Alternative
  • Minimalism
  • Live
  • Experimental pop
  • Avant-pop

Year: 2016

[Teaser of the day] The Hirundu - Angry Lonerism

  • Breakcore
  • Electronic music
  • Experimentalism
  • Lo-fi
  • Sampledelic
  • Digital hardcore
  • DIY
  • Leftfield
  • Breakbeat

Artist: The Hirundu
Release: Tartarus 
Year: 2018

Sotra – Wayfarer (2014)

  • Kosmische Musik 
  • Space music 
  • Post-rock 
  • Electronic music 
  • Alternative 
  • Ambient pop

Comment: by listening to this handful of compositions by Sotra on Ukraine-based imprint, u|torn I got the idea that Kosmische Musik is by its method quite similar to post-rock. Or vice versa, because Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, and Ash Ra Temple had existed (or have been existing) long before in comparison to Talk Talk, GY!BE, Explosions In The Sky, Mogwai, Tortoise. All those slowly progressing synths and intention to create a delicate mood around the listener throughout the mostly long-running compositions. Of course, electronic devices to conjure up the aforementioned elements are different and it influences the result. At Wayfarer one can hear blinking sounds coming from a lunar echo sounder and bumpy Moog soup on the bottom and glistening analogue synth-based overdrives here and there. The apotheosis comes at Go North with those tense keytar-alike acidic outbursts. Very solid indeed.

Nanaki – Decline & Dislocation (2018)

  • Alternative rock 
  • Indie rock 
  • Post-rock 
  • Epic 
  • Power pop 
  • Art rock

Comment: Nanaki is the solo project of Michael Daugherty who is a member of the UK-based combo Postcode. His 9-track instrumental release is based on loaded guitar gears and riffs which used to move from the top of one mountain to the slope of another mountain. Indeed, the touch is epic and majestic. Similarly to the releases of Postcode it is released on Small Bear Records. After the first listening rounds I did get a few impressions of it because it seemed to be an average post-rock release. However, the average post-rock issue may also hide many layers behind the most superficial one. Just will have some patience to get into it. Secondly, by listening to a post-rock release it is also about by discerning the sonic power and a majestic touch of it. From almost invisible progressions and subtle reverberations to overcoming crescendos and ferocious outbursts to make an expressive impact. By Michael Daugherty powerful guitar gears and timbres are tempered with synthesised brass arrangements, however, the latter can only be faintly perceived. Thereafter he reflects upon more picturesque paintings by employing pastel guitar chords, exquisite synthesiser and glockenspiel developments. Indeed, it is a fine result.


[Teaser of the day] Roberto Daglio - Ryoryot

  • Easy listening
  • Yacht pop
  • Mood music
  • Chilltronica
  • Electronic

Release: Ryoryot
Label: Jamendo
Year: 2010

[Teaser of the day] V - Tartare

  • Ambient
  • Shoegaze
  • Avant-metal
  • Cinematic
  • Drone metal
  • Metalgaze
  • Drone doom metal
  • Ambient rock
  • Post-metal

Artist: V
Year: 2018