- Americana
- Singer-songwriter
- Roots
- Blues
Comment: it is obviously one
of the most austere releases I have heard so far under an immersive
imprint, Death Roots Syndicate. The group consists of Matt Borczon,
and Steve Brown who together play old time music with raw punk
energy. A navy sailor cigarbox guitar and a cookie tin banjo used to
conjure up rotely running tunes emitting a highly blank glimpse
coming out of the eyes of the players. As if a slave playing in front
of other enslaved ones at those few idle moments. There is no the
aforementioned raw punk energy in direct sense though on the other
side it is certainly something about blues as a musical style and
tradition has handed down its tortured ideological tradition and
tough standpoints to a subsequent contemporary artist. Thorough
simplicity and the feeling of transience. As if a reflection of
people being trampled down by unrighteous ones but ready to stand up
again and again. Nice.