beko DSL - beko_killshaman (2011)
/Post-punk, Psychedelia, Avant-garde, Primitive electronca, Post-psychedelic electronica, Experimentalism, Art rock, Alternative pop/rock/
Comment: this compilation reflects upon - let`s just say - industrial/urban tribalism. Lots of variable hooks and enthralling trash are chosen over here, however, veering out from the Fall-alike manifesting post-punk-ish shimmer and 80`s Sonic Youth-afforded bristled yet dream-filled guitar works to off-kilter shamanic oscillation/post-psychedelic tilts and somehow statically flowing guitar-induced experimentalism and stuttering primitivism. Here are represented the likes of GeR^^aN, Hiking, Turrks, GeRmAn ArMy, Night Control, and Healthcare, all those bands seem to related with one location - Oakland, California.