/Dub, Dubtronica, Electronic pop, Electro pop, Robo pop, Experimental electronica/
Comment: This is a set of 13 tracks by the rx:tx records which has promoted Slovenian (new) electronic music for the last ten years. The first tracks of the compilation does have its spot on dub(-related) music reflecting it through more and less hypnotical points of view (in true, the first track, Dpek`s I Go Sunshine has usurped chillwave-ish gleam). However, the residual part will subside into more electro(nic) approach offering memorable moments from robot-and sex-appealed pop (Wanda & Nova deViator) and 8-bit/electro/atmospheric pop (Jovan) to a flickering electronic gliding (8Bitch) and oddly immersed orchestrations (Errorist) and majestic, spherically soothing shifts (AgoTela). However, the last tracks used to search for dub influences once again. A tough miscellany indeed.