- Post-industrial
- Avant-metal
- Black metal
- Death industrial
- Noisecore
- Abstract
- Power electronics
- Grindcore
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Collaboration. Kuva kõik postitused
Kuvatud on postitused sildiga Collaboration. Kuva kõik postitused
Gnaw Their Tongues and Crowhurst – Burning Ad Infinitum (2018)
Absent Fever Presents Woman Was The Word
/Electronic pop, Indie pop, Chillwave, Soul, Singer-songwriter, Indie folk, Dream pop, Folk indie, Dream folk, Conceptual/
Comment: This is a seamless project between female bloggers and musicians purposed to pay tribute to the women involved in the cultural realm. Three remarkable female bloggers were asked to write pieces, poetry, stories, about anything that made them feel inspired to put pen to paper. Here are 3 tracks, the first of them, Elisabeth`s Rose Throw Me To The West (inspired by East to West) starts out with a snippet from the ancient, 1920`s jazz-influenced pop music which soon gets developed into an electronic-induced soulful brand. Rachel Levy`s Pierced (inspired by Heavy Percussion) and Yohuna & Adelyn Rose`s All The Slow Songs (Waiting) (inspired by Friends With Both Arms) are used to be catchy, dream-alike folk-ish notches, however, representing the indie (folk) music sphere at the highest level.
Sinweldi-Front Sonore & les Chevaliers de l'Ordre Noir (La Caverne Du Dragon)
Plaadifirma La Caverne Du Dragon`i üllitis hõlmab 5 projekti (Front Sonore, Militia Dei ja Sinweldi Prantsusmaalt ning Gabe Unruh ja Art Abscon Saksamaalt) kokku 12 träkil. Õieti võiks seda helikandjat nimetada ka Sinweldi koostööalbumiks (v.a kaks originaallugu pluss paar remiksi) teiste projektidega. Seetõttu domineeribki siin peaasjalikult prantsuskeelne neofolk/dark folk, mida ümbritsevad sõjaindustriaalmuusika, dark synthpop/industrial, loomulikud helid, darkwave, mana. Ebastatsionaarsuste sekka liigituvad parmupill ning akordion. Ritualistlik ning esoteeriline õhkkond. Luuakse sildu möödunud sajandite sõjaperioodidega ning õhatakse “puhta” ning “tõelise” Euroopa järele. Põhirõhk on Sineweld`i-Front Sonore koostööl. Sellest hoolimata pean väljapaistvaimaks helindiks Gabe Unruh`i remiksi loost The True Color of the Wind.
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