Cyril M. - Démesure Du Vide (2012)
/Noise, Avant-garde, Experimentalism, Guitar ambient, Experimental rock, Experimental electronica, Avant-rock, Ambient, Acousmatics, Improvised music/
Comment: there are represented 8 tracks spreaded out over 43 minutes. In any cases, these minutes are highly enjoyable due to its variegating nature and frantic characteristics and masterful accomplishment. In particular, the issue rotates technically around guitars and sound processing and effect blocks - it veers away from arty, arpeggio-induced fingerpicking and improvised hirsute guitar riffs to very noiseful orchestrations a la Glenn Branca, and Tore Elgaroy and otherwise quite straightforward but ultra-heavy rock and roll outbursts and desperate shrieks. Furthermore, at times these sounds are embellished with dashing electronics and witty samples thus providing lots of pleasant dodges and alternate corners.