Nick R 61 - X (2009)
/Broken beats, Breakcore, Tracker music, Experimental electronica, Noise, Spoken word, Chiptune, 8-bit, Avant-electronica/
Comment: Nick R 61 is a producer from Shakhty, Russia, who used to explore electronic music from different point of views. More concretely, he explores glitch-filled electronica, tumultuous noise, high frequency broken beats, and even frantic 8-bit pathways. X is a patchwork involving all the aforementioned elements, yet, there is one farcelike development based on a phone call with bad language in Russian, and playing on abrasive, off-beat frequencies, and noise-doused chopped electronica (108). Furthermore, even the string-induced textures getting developed into a border area of folktronica are to appear over there (IP I2-IV-I96I).