/Primitive music, Lo-fi, DIY, Experimentalism, Noise, Sound collage, Free folk, New Weird Belorussia, Improvised music, Freeformfreakout, Psych-music/
Comment: Sam Gas Sam is an eccentric sound creator from Belorussia who has headed the label Faux-Pas Industries. (And making mistakes since 1986!). Actually such sorts of rough approaches has always had huge impact on me, more detailly, using amusing samples, abstract buzzes and sheer noise, rusty anti-folk-ish twanging, free improvised unplugged record sessions and...and of course, a shitloads of "errors". Furthermore, all the soundscape is heavily lopsided, sharing lots of hints right and left, up and down. Its madness used to veer from Einstürzende Neubauten to Vierivä Viiksiportieri. These 11 tracks constitute an enjoyable whole which is part of the New Weird Europe scene. Viva la free spirit!