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Recent Music Heroes TOP 2023
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AnalogNoiseMaster The Aural Enthusiast (Parafago)
AnalogNoiseMaster`s aesthetics and ideology seems overtly to hark back to those days when full-electronic scoped krautrockers kicked off pro...
[Artists] v4w.enko
SND from V4W.ENKO on Vimeo . HARMONIC RATIO: Statement1___03 from V4W.ENKO on Vimeo . focus-reboot from V4W.ENKO on Vimeo . v4w.enko v...
[Artists] Mohave Triangles
Mohave Triangles/Bandcamp Digitalis Limited Editions Myspace Lastfm
Bosques de mi Mente Otoño (Clinical Archives/CRLM Office)
The Spanish artist Bosques de mi Mente (translated as Forests of my mind) is being one of those one-man projects having got huge response un...
Th.en.d Metaphors EP (Mixgalaxy)
The Berlin-based Norman Dauskardt aka Th.en.d has released two EPs to date. His first, the 3-track issue Schizophrenic Birth (2009, Acustro...
Raw Moans + LAY BAC beko_70 (Beko DSL)
There is a fine joint release by LAC BAC and Raw Moans, the kind of one-man-bands, coming from Austin and San Diego, USA, respectively. More...
Sturqen Radio Inoculation (Vacu Sessions)
Vacu Sessions is a sound art/sound design environment/community/label/blog, offering gently live sessions, mix sets, and uncommon DJ-gigs. O...
Oathless Standing Where Our Paths Shall Meet (Hawk Moon)
For sure, the British have been having a proud tradition of ambient music veered from the conceptions of Brian Eno and David Toop to the lat...
[Artists] rngmnn
rngmnn 1798 Enoughrecords Supersupersuper Grundruck Lastfm
Fescal Endorphin (1798)
This year has been busy for Fescal, a British native residing in the South Korea at the moment, having previously released some issues under...
Alessio Ballerini Blanc (Zymogen)
The privilege, the pleasure is mine... . Zymogen is back with its new notch, Alessio Ballerini`s brand new heavy album Blanc . The coverprin...
[Compilation] Artificios 3 (Sincro)
The Argentinian label/experimental electronic music platform Sincro is back after for a while. It is their third compilation consisting of m...
Ballpen The dreams trilogy (La bèl)
In recent years, among others, I am used to get deeply involved in music of some Italian labels having stylistically been offering different...
[Vana ning oluline] Deep Magic Balance (Deep Tapes)
Kalifornialane Alex Gray (ka tuntud ansamblist Dream Colour) on geenius. Mitte sellepärast, et ta suudab omi kassettalbumeid sold out `ini r...
Les Marquises Beko_59 (Beko DSL)
2. novembril ilmub prantsuse-USA bändi Les Marquises`i debüütalbum "Lost Lost Lost" (Lost Recordings), mida siinkirjutaja korduval...
Randoman Eon (Sublime Porte)
Okan Çoban aka Randoman`i aasta alul ilmunud (esimene päris)album trihvtib minimaalse ja vähemminimaalse helikoe peal, olles seejuures peit...
Bmind Uncommon Things EP (Tranzmitter)
Jätkame muusikaga Brasiiliast. 23-aastase Jaime de Almeida Simões`i aka Bmind`i aasta alul ilmunud 3-looline (ning 35-minutiline) EP on sii...
ArnAck To mars (Breathe Compilations)
Liegè`i produtsentide Arnaud Rosoux` ja David Schreder`i (Dio2xide, Kingfisherg) 6-looline debüütreliis on täis seesugust helisegmenti, mis ...
Alex Alexandroff Anxiety(Piano album) (Jamendo)
Ukraina artist Alex Alexandroff (tal on ka kõrvalprojekt Resistance) on viimase aasta jooksul meilboksi järjekindlalt teadetega pommitanud. ...
Jacques de Villiers More Wind For Lonely Suburbs EP (2010, Jacques de Villiers)
Jacques de Villiers on käesoleval aastal oma teise üllitisega tagasi. Muusik, kelle helikeelt võib võrrelda Tim Hecker`i digitaalkrabinatest...
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