this batch of 4 tracks provides thick atmospheric layers of guitars
full of inner burning to disseminate from nowhere to ultimately form
a solid ambient/rock spirit. Just roughly to assume. One can hear abstract vibrations, warped trajectories and ominous accents and buried orchestrations within these meandering
compositions but it is the point of the release. It may remind of the
predominant examples
from the British experimental rock scene, Flying Saucer Attack, and
Slowdive (however, a listener can hear epic apotheoses from the other albums by Slowdive as well), and an Australian combo, a Skye Klein's project A Beautiful
Machine. However, at times buzzing elements are traded for more lucid
incantations to transcend into a beatific dream pop butterfly (more
concretely, Sexto
Empirico, and C.R).
The magnificent outing is a bit in the discography of INQB8R.