

Nick R 61 – Cветтудаб (2011)

  • Dub 
  • Raggamuffin 
  • Reggae 
  • Hip-hop 
  • Electronic pop 
  • Urban music 
  • Psychedelic

Comment: this is an oldie, 2-track issue by the Russian artists Nick R 61, and Raggadigma whose music is imbued with the influences of Jamaican music – reggae, dub, and dance-appealed ragga rhythms. On the other side, one can discern a poppy counterpoint set up to it at Свет. Lyrics are sung in Russian and the words are about changing the world into a better place where one could live on without pain and distress and suffering. The intention is good by any means and it would transmit to the soundscape of the song as well. At Ту да б the lyrics are about flying between galaxies and that the outer space is having vigour and being animated. The words are accentuated with astral-tinged volatile synthesisers and enchanting dub delays thereof resulting in something almost intangible. The outing is a part of the discography of Fusion. All in all, the result is placid, mellow and gentle. Fairly soulful and mind-blowing for our late hours.