

Land Of Grim – Welcome (2011)

/Rhythmic noise, Experimentalism, Art music, Electronic music, Post-industrial, Avant-garde, Noise, Drone/

Comment: Torn Flesh Records is mostly known as an imprint for extreme metal/hardcore punk music though there are up some exceptions in the label`s discography. For instance, take on this 5-track issue of 34 minutes. The central track is Select The Victim which embraces 13 minutes to bring forth truly peculiar rhythmic sounds and pulsating electronics in the background as if being influenced partly by art music/Klang music. In fact, the experience is amplified by the following piece Pave The Path. Embrace The Grim chimes like an instance of deep house music produced by the noise musician. It does mean he does not give a fuck to his own principles. However, the other compositions are remarkably more brown noise fuelled, providing obscure synthesised drones with pervasive ominous glimmer and more angular rhythmic frequencies because at times there is no chance to describe it as the rhythmic ones. One could discern them barely as pulsations coming out from the nexus. In a word, Nikolai Gawin`s issue is an impressive insight into a world of uncompromised sounds and attitude.