

It May Never End – Such Is Life (2008)

/Post-rock, Epic, Experimental rock, Ambient rock, Electronic, Drone/

Comment: Victoria, Australian-based one-man-project by Neil Spicer is a post-rock representative whose 7-track issue is a solid one – it is well produced filled with majestic Epiphone Les Paul guitar chords and dreamy landscapes in the background. Sometimes those elements are stretched out or varicoloured with glitch drenched noises and bewitchingly droning electronic progressions or staticness. By listening to it the listener may experience a sense while driving across the hilly landscape open to picturesque panoramas and breath-taking views. However, at times those landscapes are developed on its own to transcend the borders of post-rock genre to become a sort of ambient music. Neil Spicer follows a common post-rock formula to find out fine balance between muscles/body and soul, between mundane and eternal. However, Spicer used to present their music without dizzy, slamming crescendos – instead of it the listener can enjoy slowly developing chords and sections to get its own packet of beauty. In a word, it is highly recommendable not only for all those post-rock music fans. It is even more precious because of being Spicer`s only long playing album to date. Such is life.