

Tont - Roheline Järv (2012)


/Avant-metal, Big beat, Dub metal, Post-metal, Crossover, Post-psychedelic electronica, Doom metal, Trance rock, Remixes/

Comment: these 19 minutes lay bare 4 (2 original tracks, 2 remixes made up of them) intriguing topics having its place somewhere in between psychedelic, excited doom rock, mesmeric, repetition-heavy big beat archs, and dub ans soothing spoken word-spliced flickers taken out directly from the environmental ambiance now and then. New Age? Actually not. It is much more. The whole is overtly playful placing elements and styles side by side. Behind this project hides himself Siim Kuusemäe, an artist from Estonia. In a nutshell, it is an oustanding issue by any senses being thought for any kind of melomans, and especially for anxious post-metal fans searching for new ideas and sounds. By the way, Tont does mean "Ghost" and Roheline järv does mean "green-hued lake" in Estonian.