

Rangers - Homemade Cassette Collages III (2009)


/Bedroom pop, Lo-fi, DIY, Psychedelia, New Weird America, Psych-rock, Avant-pop, Experimental pop/

Comment: Rangers is the project of Joe Knight from Dallas, Texas, USA whose third hometape collage is a mesmeric jam of timeless psychedelic synth rhythms and hiss-buried second hand guitars which used to be processed through filters and long analogue sonic tubes, however, sounding like a humanoid act of being billion miles away from me and you. In true, it rings like a spaced-out brother of Ariel Pink, and John Maus or one of those demented groups having been part of Bob Chaos. On the other side, on the strength of motorik propulsions there can be drawn parallels upon the likes of Neu!, and The Silver Apples. In addition to it, I recommend to listen to his earlier works either. Amazing dude indeed.