

Wry Deep Field/Nostalgia (Sinewave)

Previously I have overviewed three eloquent Brazilian shoegaze bands like Inverness, Loomer, and This Lonely Crowd on my blog, though, the next one Wry could be counted as a precedessor for all of them - both by their lineage, temporary precedence, and musical activity as well. Being started out at the ending of 90`s, the quartet have issued a handful of albums, shared the stage with Man Or Astroman?, Mudhoney, Superchunk, Ash, Asobi Seksu, and The Rakes among others, and recruited knob-twiddlers like Tim Wheeler (Ash), and Raphael Gordon (producer of The Strokes). Indeed, in recent years the quartet is used to be an international combo sharing their home between Sao Paolo and the United Kingdom.

Deep Field/Nostalgia does consist of two tracks, though, those track titles are referred a bit the other way. The opening Deep Field Nostalgia is fringed with a pair of elements, shuffling blissful fuzz noise and rigid organ-based drone sounds, respectively. However, the ending part of the number is a sole and distinct appearance of the last admitted element while you can detect for mere sensitivity of the natural environment around it. The second track In The Hell Of My Hell is a remix being layered up of sunbeam-titled synth effects and shimmering dodges of harmonic-filled layers and multiple combinations of breakbeat frequencies altogether conjuring a wraith-alike milieu.

Listen to it here
