Sun-inside Speed Beauty (Section27)
The Ukrainian project`s first track is named as Transparency Palm which might semantically have a reference to Faust`s first, so-called X-ray album, and the album title might referentially be related to krautrock style in a bit broader sense as well, though its surrealistic and shimmeringly sounding approach is more keen to hauntologic and sampledelic outputs rather than come to over for manipulating with motorik and hypnotic conceptions. Indeed, 13 tracks consisting of weird low-end synth effects, have been played out via high-key sonic patterns, though mainly on the lo-fi mode, remembering strongly of Cagey House, and Manuel Buerger sometimes. In fact, weird can be perceived without the weirdest ones. For example, Tragic Ceiling has been brought forth through mystical spiritual music, respectively to the Russian orthodox tradition. This track could be associated with the collaboration acts of Alexei Rafiev and Alexei Borissov (two albums under Clinical Archives).
Listen to it here